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Things To Do While at Home

To keep your time inside interesting and productive, explore some of the following resources and ideas.

Free Online Education Resources:

Make a space for learning. This won’t keep kids entertained, but it will make learning from home all the easier. Set up a designated homework/schoolwork area. Whether it’s a desk or a specific place at the kitchen table, having a workspace can really help kids focus.

  • Scholastic has launched a “Learn at Home” website with ‘day-by-day projects to keep kids reading, thinking, and growing.’ The online courses have been designed for students from pre-kindergarten to grades 6 and higher

  • Other websites like Khan Academy, National Geographic Kids, ST Math and Duolingo, also offer free online courses.

  • is offering free worksheets for preschool through 5th grade students and if you are looking for material about the coronavirus, BrainPop offers free access to their COVID-19/coronavirus online learning courses.

  • Skype a Scientist is another interactive approach to learning. The service matches families to a scientist for a live video Q&A session.

  • ABCMouse Learning Academy is a great educational resource with tons of lessons that kids can benefit from.

  • “CATCH Health at Home” includes evidence-based health, nutrition, and physical education materials. These activities are organized into three sections: Physical Activities, Activity Breaks and Family Health and Nutrition.

Virtual Field Trips

Explore the world without leaving your home with the help of virtual field trips:

Family Activities:

Having a designated time to play is also important during your time at home with your children. A puzzle or craft project could be a fun activity for all but staying physically active is also crucial.

  • Cosmic Kids Yoga is a YouTube channel that will encourage your little one to get up and get moving while teaching them mindfulness and relaxation.

  • Get outside: Go for a walk, pick up sticks, collect rocks, etc.

  • Dance, meditate, and get moving: That might not seem like one individual idea but you can do all three with GoNoodle. GoNoodle encourages kids (and families!) to get moving, whether that’s dancing, meditating, or just jumping around!

  • Cook together: Cooking is a great lesson in measuring, ingredients, and of course, making delicious goodies.

  • Make your own play dough: Need a recipe? Check out this one from I Heart Naptime.

  • Have an indoor picnic: Grab a sheet, whatever food you have, and enjoy a living room picnic.

  • Make a sensory bin: Fill it with anything and everything, give the kids some shovels, and they’ll be excavating for hours.

  • Dye rice all the different colors of the rainbow, then let your child dive in with scoopers. You can even hide other small toys or prizes inside the rice.

  • Try sensory sorting. This is an activity best for younger kids who are learning colors and shapes. You can use almost anything for sensory sorting. By grouping different colors or shapes together, challenge your toddler to group all the reds together, all the blues together, and so on.

  • Write a letter: Break out the envelopes, the stamps, the pens, and paper. No, we’re not talking e-mails; we’re talking old-fashion snail mail. Write a letter to someone you love, like grandma and grandpa, or a family member who lives far away.

  • FaceTime family members: FaceTime is another meaningful way to connect with family and friends while practicing “social distancing.” Use it to check in on family members and to socialize, even if over the phone.

  • Break out the board games, puzzles, and/or play cards: Scrabble, Monopoly, Candy Land, Chutes and Ladders; Rummy, War, Go Fish, Solitaire, Uno, Old Maid

Sources: Fox 40; Parade

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