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See What You've Been Missing

"ClearWay Minnesota launched a new campaign that aims to shed light on the hidden harms of tobacco addiction. The campaign theme is See What You've Been Missing and it highlights teen e-cigarette use, the high health costs of smoking-related disease and Big Tobacco's youth marketing tactics.

As a key supporter, you are painfully aware of the tremendous harm that the tobacco industry causes our state. Among our youth, e-cigarettes and flavored tobacco products contributed to the first rise in tobacco use in nearly two decades. Tobacco use also continues to be the leading cause of preventable death and disease. We all bear the costs of tobacco use, whether it is a youth becoming addicted or an adult suffering from heart disease, cancer or lung disease.

However, for many Minnesotans, tobacco's harm is hidden from view. We hope you will join us in spreading the word that the tobacco industry still targets our youth and costs all of us, even Minnesotans who don't smoke.

Check out the campaign website,, which includes helpful information for parents and adults about e-cigarettes and tobacco marketing, as well as a smoking-related cost calculator.

We hope that highlighting the tobacco industry's addictive and costly schemes will bring urgency to the tobacco issues we face, so Minnesotans will take action to prevent a generation of youth nicotine addiction."

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