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Colorado Auto Deaths Involving Marijuana Rise

Colorado continues to see marijuana-involved traffic crashes that result in serious consequences.

For years, CDOT and its partners have worked to educate the public about the dangers of driving high and provide marijuana consumers with information on how to stay safe, such as planning for a safe, sober ride.

Although past campaigns have greatly increased knowledge about the legal consequences of driving high, Colorado still has a long ways to go to reach their goal of zero deaths on Colorado roads.


  • In 2016 there were 77 fatalities that involved a driver impaired by active THC

  • Recent public education efforts have resulted in more than 90 percent of marijuana consumers knowing they can get a DUI for driving high

  • However, more than 50 percent of users consistently report driving high in the last 30 days

  • More than 60 people are arrested each day in Colorado for DUIs resulting from drug or alcohol consumption

Learn more about CDOT's initiatives here.

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