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SUP Coalition Meeting Minutes

MAY 2018

Sherburne County Substance Use Prevention Coalition

Meeting Minutes

May 16, 2018

9:00 a.m.

Sherburne County Sheriff’s Office Emergency Operations Center


Coalition Members Present: 

Alicia Maxwell, SUP Coalition Coordinator

Amanda Martin, Sherburne County HHS

Jennifer Pim, Sherburne County Attorney’s Office

Amy Halvorson, Sherburne County Community Corrections

Bob Stangler, Sherburne County Sheriff’s Office

Lisa Fobbe, Sherburne County Commissioner

Paul Hickerson, Becker Police Department

Dan Bradley, Sherburne County Community Corrections

Kasey Cable, Feeling Good MN

Dan Bradley called the meeting to order at approximately 9:04 a.m.  Introductions were made.


Dan requested approval of the minutes from the April 18, 2018 meeting.  Rachel Hilyar made a motion to approve the minutes, which was seconded by Lisa Fobbe.  All were in favor.


Dan asked for any additions or changes to the proposed agenda, none were made.  Melissa Cribb made a motion to approve the agenda, which was seconded by Amy Halvorson.  All were in favor.


Consent Agenda

Financial update was completed by Dan:

  • Of the current budget of $135,548.22, we have $59,115.55 remaining in the grant.

  • Current in-kind donations documented through May 2018: $100,345.30

Dan reminded everyone to use the updated output log when sending monthly output logs to Roxanne Schreder.


Hidden in Plain Sight

Alicia Maxwell walked through the HIPS banners to highlight the items displayed and their uses.  Alicia noted that items in the room may be nothing on their own, but coupled with something like a change in a child’s mood could be something.  The exhibit is meant to inform, not scare.  She also noted that resources are available for both volunteers and exhibit attendees.


Volunteers have access to:


Exhibit attendees will have access to:

  • SUP Complete Item Index for HIPS Exhibit: Contains items displayed in the banners and their uses.  A few additional items have also been included for educational purposes.  Copies of this document will be available at each exhibit for attendees to look through.

  • Parent Tips and ATOD Checklist: Contains tips for communicating with your child, what can be done if drug use is suspected and common areas to check for drugs and/or paraphernalia.

  • Exhibit Feedback: Pre and post surveys will be available to evaluate the effectiveness of the exhibit.


A sign-up sheet was passed around to schedule future events.  Alicia noted that exact dates are not needed right now and encouraged members to include community and school events that we could be involved in.  The sign-up sheet is available on the SUP Google Drive, along with the other resources listed above.


Conferences Recap

From Stats to Solutions: Lori Irwin shared key takeaways from the MN Adult & Teen Challenge conference she attended.  The conference focused on effective treatment solutions for young people.  Lori stated that multiple panel discussions took place on various ways to treat young people with substance-use disorders.  Additional takeaways included:

  • Utilizing, which is MN’s searchable database of mental health and substance use disorder treatment programs.

  • Modeling a life worth living and selling the upside of recovery. 

  • Mutualism: Walking with young adults, not for them.

  • Augsburg University started a program called Step-Up where they have 106 students living on campus that are in recovery.


Marijuana Symposium: Alicia shared key takeaways from a recent symposium she attended at Hazelden.  The purpose of the event was to discuss the facts and science surrounding marijuana and the impact legalization could have on MN.  Key takeaways included:

  • Marijuana potency continues to increase, especially with marijuana concentrates.

  • Minimum age to purchase marijuana in all U.S. states with legalization is 21.  Canada’s program beginning this summer will be 18.

  • There are currently 30 states + D.C. with comprehensive medical cannabis programs and 9 states + D.C. with recreational marijuana.

  • There are 13 qualifying conditions for MN’s Medical Cannabis Program.  The two most recent additions are autism and sleep apnea.

  • Study conducted in Connecticut to determine “projected” costs and benefits of marijuana legalization.  The cost estimations outweighed projected revenues by over 90%.


Additional takeaways are available in the PowerPoint slides from the May meeting.  Contact Alicia for a copy of the slides.      


TETO Campaign

Dan provided an update on the “Talk Early, Talk Often” Campaign that was re-launched in March.  He shared campaign elements, including posters, social media posts and ads/sharing of five videos, two billboards, newspaper ads/media releases, and the coordination of the prom letter which included campaign messaging.


Dan asked for member feedback on how the campaign was going.  Members think it’s going well, but thought reminders to share campaign elements would be helpful.  About half of the members present recall seeing at least one of the elements.  Please let Alicia know if you have additional suggestions.   


Dan reiterated the TETO spring campaign survey results shared at the April meeting.  Results indicated that: 

  • 74% of survey respondents do not recall seeing the initial Spring 2017 campaign

    • But of those who recall seeing the campaign, 49% agreed that they felt the campaign influenced how often they will talk to their children about alcohol and other drugs and

    • 37% agreed that they learned new ideas for talking with their children

  • Results indicate the campaign is empowering parents to use the information they receive and increase the rate of conversations, but Dan inquired on how we continue to increase exposure to the campaign.

    • Members asked about avenues for survey distribution.  Dan mentioned that we will survey parents/ other caring adults again this summer on the current campaign and asked members to share potential listserv options with Alicia that could be used to help administer the survey.

  • A discussion was also had on launching the campaign twice a year – in the fall and spring – to ensure we are reaching parents/guardians at opportune times. 

  • Dan mentioned the distribution of 465 parent resource bags last year to seven middle schools and how this was well-received, but expensive. 

    • Members were interested in exploring this again, so will discuss further at an upcoming meeting.


Information Sharing/Agency Updates

  • Lisa shared that a couple of cities in Sherburne County have expressed interest in the Tobacco 21 policy (T21).  T21 works to raise the age to purchase tobacco to 21.  Alicia noted that a representative from Sherburne County’s Public Health Division will be attending the June coalition meeting to share their Statewide Health Improvement Partnership (SHIP) Tobacco strategies, and how we can potentially partner together.    

  • Students from Big Lake and Becker discussed the e-cigarette issues at their schools and how more education and adult support is needed.  

  • Rachel Hilyar shared an opportunity for school districts to participate in a statewide opioid pilot program through For Jake Sake Foundation.  The interest form is due Monday, May 21.  Contact Alicia for further information.


The regular meeting was adjourned at 10:35 a.m.


Next Meeting: Wednesday, June 20 at 9:00 a.m. in the Sheriff’s Office Emergency Operations Center.

Eric Balabon, Elk River Police Department

Melissa Cribb, CMMHC

Victoria Holbert, Retired Resident

Lori Irwin, Tri-CAP

Rachel Hilyar, Elk River School District

3 Big Lake Students (Abby, Taylor, Alexis)

1 Becker Student (Blake)

Jen Gunderson, Parent

Alison Miller, Sherburne County HHS

Minutes from previous coalition meetings are available upon request.

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© 2025 by Sherburne County Substance Use Prevention Coalition

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