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SUP Coalition Meeting Minutes


Sherburne County Substance Use Prevention Coalition

Meeting Minutes

November 15, 2017

9:00 a.m.

Sherburne County Sheriff’s Office Emergency Operations Center


Coalition Members Present: 

Roxanne Schreder, Sherburne County Sheriff’s Office

Danielle Gessell, Sherburne County Sheriff’s Office

Dan Bradley, Sherburne County Community Corrections

Bob Stangler, Sherburne County Sheriff’s Office

Amanda Martin, Sherburne County HHS

Jennifer Pim, Sherburne County Attorney’s Office

Joy Nadeau, Sherburne County Area United Way

Amber Jochem, MN Adult and Teen Challenge

Melissa Cribb, CMMHC

Dan Bradley called the meeting to order at approximately 9:03 a.m. Introductions were made.


Dan requested approval of the minutes from the October 18, 2017 meeting. Jennifer Pim made a motion to approve the minutes, which was seconded by Joy Nadeau. All were in favor.

Consent Agenda

Financial update was completed by Roxanne:

  • Of the current budget of $135,548.22, we have $127,041.94 remaining in the grant.

  • Current in-kind donations documented through November 2017: $11,762.62


Dan reminded everyone to send in their monthly output logs to Roxanne.  


Information Sharing/Agency Updates

  • Roxanne advised there is a Towards Zero Death (TZD) “Wheel of Distraction” that can be borrowed for any event where we feel it would be of good use. It shows the likelihood of a crash if certain events and scenarios are present. TZD will be working to decrease the amount of deaths on the roadway through the safe roads grant.

  • Becker DREAM Team is having their first big event this year at Becker City Park this weekend for high school students. Expecting 100-150 students. Different activities will be provided inside and outside. City of Becker has provided the park for free. There was coverage in the newspaper as well.

  • Dan advised probation numbers are up for youth – a lot with prescription drug use.

  • Roxanne provided updates from Alicia.

  • Big thanks to everyone that joined us for the annual SUP Coalition Retreat on November 6.

  • SUP Youth Retreat is in the works. There will be a planning meeting after the meeting today.

  • SUP Google Drive is up and running. Let Alicia know if you have any issues accessing this. Angie advised this tool and SUP folders will replace the red binders. The link can be shared with new members. 

  • Students are continuing to work on the Be Real Campaign.

  • SCSO & SUP became supporting agencies of the State’s Dose of Reality Campaign. The goal is to promote proper use, storage, and disposal of prescription drugs.


Year-End Report


Roxanne went through the Year-End review that was held over from last month’s meeting. This information will be added to the Google Drive. There are currently 56 members on the coalition.


Coalition Satisfaction Survey Results

Angie went over the results from the Coalition Satisfaction Survey. She provided suggestions discussed among the Executive Board. It was proposed to change the meeting requirement from 8 per year to 6, and then add 2 mandatory volunteer activities and/or task force involvement. There was discussion about this. Roxanne proposed an idea from the past about having a sign-up sheet available at the beginning of the year with all of the known events, which could be put on Google Drive. This will continue to be discussed at the next meeting to think about and work out the details further. Jen advised how the process works to amend the by-laws.


Opioid Abuse Community Forum

Roxanne advised she has spoken with the Sheriff about our involvement in community forums. There have been at least 10 Narcan saves by the Sheriff’s Office in the last year. Last forums held in 2014 experienced lower turnout than expected. She asked for input on other ways to provide this information. Angie commented that attendance was low at the six Family First events last fall as well. In the spring we also showed “The Other Side of Cannabis” film and only staff members showed up for CEUs. Some suggested ideas were:

  • Adding a training and educational piece to the forums – include testimonials.

  • Providing local data and statistics to draw people in.

    • Target the audience to people who may come into contact with the people who need help.

    • Add an incentive to win something if they attend.

    • Utilizing senior workshops and community education classes.

    • Share video blasts and information on the Facebook page.

    • Create videos with Sherburne County statistics prior to hosting an event.

    • Record the forums and put them on Facebook and broadcast on local cable channels.

    • Offer a parent activity on the same night as a student activity.

    • Be involved in a 5K run/walk – like Walk for Recovery.

    • Narrow the audience and focus on a theme.

    • Tag onto events that are already being held by other organizations.


Roxanne will relay this information to Sheriff Brott. Send any additional ideas to Roxanne or Alicia.

Member Recruitment Activity

Angie advised at the last Executive Board meeting they discussed what areas need better representation.


  • Religious/fraternal – Mike advised youth pastors used to meet once a month from almost every area church. He can reach out to see if they still meet and if there would be any interest from them. Blake advised they will reach out to the Becker Evangelical Free Church – Jake’s dad, Patrick Drury, is the Senior Pastor.

  • Business – Joy will contact with Tricia Melroy from Metal Craft. Joy suggested the Bank of Elk River. Angie suggested reaching out to mental health resources.

  • Healthcare professionals – it was suggested to try to get a physician on board. Victoria advised if we want to bring a physician to speak, we will need to schedule through the clinic manager. Eric suggested maybe Francine will have connections through Fairview. Angie will reach out to the resources they use in the school’s health and wellness committee.


The regular meeting was adjourned at 10:32 a.m.


Next Meeting: Wednesday, December 20 at 9:00 a.m. in the Sheriff’s Office Emergency Operations Center.

Eric Balabon, Elk River Police Department

Angie Charboneau-Folch, Big Lake High School

Victoria Holbert, Retired Resident

6 Becker Students (Elizabeth, Allie, Tory,

Amanda, Blake, Jacob)

Darrell Skog, Spectrum High School

Mike Brueckner, Church of Hope

Rachel Hilyar, Elk River School District

Minutes from previous coalition meetings are available upon request.
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