SUP Coalition Meeting Minutes
May 2017
Sherburne County Substance Use Prevention Coalition
Meeting Minutes
May 17, 2017
9:00 a.m.
Sherburne County Sheriff’s Office Emergency Operations Center
Coalition Members Present:
Dan Bradley, Sherburne County Community Corrections
Alicia Klepsa, SUP Coalition Coordinator
Jenilee Telander, Regional Prevention Coordinator
Angie Charboneau-Folch, Big Lake High School
Marsha Reinking, RSVP Volunteer
Sadie Hosley, Recovering Hope Treatment Center
Lisa Fobbe, Sherburne County Commissioner
Molly Hanson, Elk River YMCA
Jayme Swenson, Parent
Dan Bradley called the meeting to order at approximately 9:05 a.m. Introductions were made.
Dan requested approval of the minutes from the April 19, 2017 meeting. Chad Rhoads made a motion to approve the minutes, which was seconded by Alicia Klepsa. All were in favor.
Dan asked for any additions or changes to the proposed agenda, none were made. Molly Hanson made a motion to approve the agenda, which was seconded by Angie Charboneau-Folch. All were in favor.
Consent Agenda
Financial update was completed by Angie Charboneau-Folch:
Of the current budget of $134,333.87, we have approximately $68,200.63 remaining in the grant.
Current in-kind donations documented through April 2017: $89,267.59.
Information Sharing/Agency Updates
Elk River YMCA (Molly Hanson)
Molly advised that the Elk River YMCA will be giving away 150 free memberships to students in grades 9th – 12th as long as they haven’t had a membership within the past 60 days. This initiative is being conducted across all YMCAs of the Greater Twin Cities so over 3,700 free memberships will be given during this time. She will send the flyer to Alicia to share with the coalition.
County Board Presentation (Dan Bradley)
Dan mentioned that the County Board presentation went well on May 2nd. Lisa Fobbe agreed and shared that it would be great to have the coalition present annually.
Spectrum’s Sobriety Squad (Ellie Rogers and Emily O’Connell)
Spectrum students provided an overview of their year and how it went. They attended the Drugged Driving Summit and helped with Sticker Shock at Northbound Liquor in Elk River. They also planned and implemented four additional events at their school, including a drug-free pledge, chalk the walk, 6th grade presentations, and a poster campaign. They truly feel they are making a difference at their school.
Community Presentations
Alicia shared a PowerPoint slide of where the coalition has provided community and/or school presentations. She asked for feedback on where members would like to see us present in the future.
Lisa shared that Christ Our Light Church in Princeton/Zimmerman offers targeted presentations to parents one evening a month on various topics and thought this would be a great opportunity for the coalition to share information. Sadie Hosley seconded this and said church members are great messengers.
Molly suggested the Elk River School Board. Alicia asked about groups at the Y and Molly mentioned that they have middle school groups.
Angie suggested presenting again to Big Lake’s School Board and Parent, Teacher, Student Organization (PTSO).
Alicia mentioned presenting during the annual report meetings in the townships and cities. Lisa also mentioned that the townships host quarterly meetings that we could attend – although not all townships attend.
Alicia asked that members send her any additional suggestions for community presentations. She also asked those that provided suggestions to send her dates and/or contact information for scheduling presentations, if able.
Talk Early, Talk Often Campaign
Alicia presented the new 30-second video teaser for the Talk Early, Talk Often Campaign. She asked that members share this on their websites and/or social media accounts.
Discussion was had on parent resource bags, including where and when to distribute them. Suggestions were during SUP community events and/or at school move up days for 5th graders entering into middle school or 8th graders entering into high school. Eric Balabon mentioned that he believes this event already occurred for 5th graders in the Elk River School District.
Alicia will explore school event dates to determine when would work best. Members suggested avoiding open houses as there is already a lot going on during those events.
Alicia also stated that interested members can send her one resource from their agency to be included in the resource bag.
Prescription Drug Disposal Awareness
2,000 magnets were purchased with assistance from the Sherburne County Attorney’s Office. These will be distributed to local pharmacies and clinics by coalition members. Alicia passed around a sign-up sheet with all local pharmacies and clinics. If you are able to help distribute these resources, please let Alicia know.
5x7 signs were developed to offer clinics and pharmacies a more permanent signage option. Members liked the sign, but also suggested looking into getting the information posted in online patient portals as well as window clings as space may be limited for some of these locations. Alicia will explore these options.
Lisa suggested exploring ways to partner with pharmaceutical companies. She will reach out to personal contacts she has within Fairview Northland Medical Center.
Working with LGBTQ Teens
Sadie Hosley gave a presentation on working with LGBTQ teens. For a copy of the PowerPoint presentation, please contact Alicia Klepsa.
Meeting was adjourned at 10:30 a.m.
Next Meeting: Wednesday, June 21st at 9:00 a.m. in the Sheriff’s Office Emergency Operations Center.
Mark Lees, Sherburne County HHS
Chad Rhoads, CMMHC
Kasey Mol, CMMHC
Mark Kolbinger, Becker High School
Jo Eichler, Becker High School
Ellie Rogers, Spectrum Student
Emily O’Connell, Spectrum Student
Eric Balabon, Elk River Police Department