SUP Coalition Meeting Minutes
MARCH 2017
Sherburne County Substance Use Prevention Coalition
Meeting Minutes
March 15, 2017
9:00 a.m.
Sherburne County Sheriff’s Office Emergency Operations Center
Coalition Members Present:
Eric Balabon, Elk River Police Department
Kasey Mol, CMMHC
Dan Bradley, Sherburne County Community Corrections
Mike Brueckner, Church of Hope
Melissa DeLisle, CMMHC
Molly Hanson, Elk River YMCA
Paul Hickerson, Becker Police Department
Victoria Holbert, Retired Resident
Amber Jochem, MN Adult and Teen Challenge
Amanda Larson called the meeting to order at approximately 9:05 a.m. Introductions were made.
Amanda requested review of the meeting minutes from February 15, 2017 meeting. Molly Hanson made a motion to approve the minutes, which was seconded by Dan Bradley. All were in favor.
Amanda asked for any additions or changes to the proposed agenda. Molly made a motion to approve the agenda as is, which was seconded by Roxanne Schreder. All were in favor.
Consent Agenda
Financial update was completed by Dan Bradley and Roxanne Schreder:
Of the current budget of $134,333.87, we have approximately $86,660.07 remaining in the grant.
Current in-kind donations documented through February 2017: $60,500.20.
Information Sharing/Agency Updates
MN Adult and Teen Challenge (Amber Jochem)
Stats to Solutions – Free Conference on May 11th in Brooklyn Park for professionals and $15 for Continuing Education Credits (Information shared via the SUP agenda)
Central Minnesota Mental Health Center (Chad Rhoads)
March and April a busy month for mental health calls
Adult psychiatry services have been available in Elk River for about one month now
TXT4Life (Molly Wiemann)
Molly is the new coordinator for TXT4Life
1 in 3 individuals that die by suicide have ATOD in their systems
Elk River YMCA (Molly Hanson)
Molly inquired about meeting space in the Elk River area to host a Mental Health First Aid Training for adults through Fairview. Space would need to seat 20 – 30 individuals from 9:00 am – 5:00 pm.
Journey to Freedom, a youth betterment series that addresses ATOD issues among many others, will be starting in June at the YMCA. Age specific to 16 – 21 years old. More information to come.
Community Corrections (Dan Bradley) and ERPD (Eric Balabon)
Have been hearing a lot about marijuana from clients
Eric stated Xanax and fentanyl type overdoses are still being seen in the Elk River area, but it has decreased some lately
House Cleaning Items (Alicia Klepsa)
Other Side of Cannabis will be shown from 6:30-7:30 pm with a panel discussion afterwards
Big Lake High School: April 13th
Spectrum High School in Elk River: April 27th
Coalition Involvement Agreements (CIA)
Please hand in or send to Alicia – this is an annual form to complete
Please check the box for the photo release if you agree to that on the form as well
Coalition Meeting Survey – will be sent out after the meeting. Please fill out by March 27th to reevaluate meeting logistics. This is an annual survey.
Minnesota Student Survey 2016 Data (Alicia Klepsa)
Alicia presented MSS data from 2013 and 2016 via a PowerPoint presentation. The coalition used 2013 MSS data as our baseline.
Two items of interest include:
E-cigarettes are used more frequently by youth. Many are charged with possession of a tobacco device.
LGBTQ need more resources provided to them
Discussion on what drugs should be focused on in the future was had, including an emphasis on specific prescription drugs as a topic.
What types
Education with concerns on mixing drugs
What is out there? Many are used for depression, anxiety, or ADHD
Pill usage and parental monitoring of their youth’s use
Currently, mainly have the Rx drop off boxes as a target
How to get the information out to the community
Have a doctor present on education for Rx prescriptions (anyone know of someone that can fulfill this role?)
Sticker Shock (Dan Bradley)
Focus during Memorial weekend and graduation/grad parties this spring and summer
Discussion was had on the language for the sticker and bottle hanger and any changes that were deemed necessary. Alicia will have our graphic consultant provide samples of the updated options.
May be able to use on posters or a billboard
Save $3,000. Don’t supply alcohol to underage…
Help Us: Don’t provide alcohol to us, anyone under 21
Suggestion was to use adult focus groups to see what would be most impactful
We need volunteers to contact local retailers. Please let Alicia know if you are interested in doing so.
County Compliance Check Policy
Tabled due to lack of available meeting time to review.
Meeting was adjourned at 10:30 a.m.
Next Meeting: Wednesday, April 19th at 9:00 a.m. in the Sheriff’s Office Emergency Operations Center.
Alicia Klepsa, SUP Coalition Coordinator
Amanda Larson, Sherburne County HHS
Darrell Skog, Spectrum Schools
Marsha Reinking, RSVP Volunteer
Roxanne Schreder, Sherburne County Sheriff’s Office
Jennifer Pim, Sherburne County Attorney’s Office
Chad Rhoads, CMMHC
Kara Zoller, Sherburne County HHS
Molly Wiemann, TXT4Life, CMMHC