SUP Coalition Meeting Minutes
june 2017
Sherburne County Substance Use Prevention Coalition
Meeting Minutes
June 21, 2017
9:00 a.m.
Sherburne County Sheriff’s Office Emergency Operations Center
Coalition Members Present:
Roxanne Schreder, Sherburne County Sheriff’s Office
Alicia Klepsa, SUP Coalition Coordinator
Jenilee Telander, Regional Prevention Coordinator
Victoria Holbert, Retired Resident
Marsha Reinking, RSVP Volunteer
Kasey Cable, Crave the Change
Lee Morris, U of MN Medical Student
Danielle Gessell, Sherburne County Sheriff’s Office
Jennifer Pim, Sherburne County Attorney’s Office
Eric Balabon, Elk River Police Department
Judy Johnson, Elk River School District
Roxanne Schreder called the meeting to order at approximately 9:00 a.m. Introductions were made.
Roxanne requested approval of the minutes from the May 17, 2017 meeting. Chad Rhoads made a motion to approve the minutes, which was seconded by Jennifer Pim. All were in favor.
Roxanne asked for any additions or changes to the proposed agenda. Marsha Reinking made a motion to approve the agenda, which was seconded by Jennifer Pim. All were in favor.
Consent Agenda
Financial update was completed by Roxanne Schreder:
Of the current budget of $134,333.87, we have approximately $42,630.50 remaining in the grant.
Current in-kind donations documented through May 2017: $97,533.25.
Roxanne reminded everyone to send in their monthly output logs, which can include email review, projects, etc.
Information Sharing/Agency Updates
DREAM Team members shared that they have about 65-70 active members attending bi-weekly meetings and participating in activities at both the middle and high schools. In addition, they formed a policy committee to draft a policy on leadership roles/captainship and chemical use, which did pass and will become effective during the 2017-18 school year. They have elected new officials for the upcoming school year, including a president, vice president, secretary, and a communications team. They are also in the process of finding a new adult advisor.
SAFE Squad
SAFE Squad members shared that they currently have 5-6 members attending their weekly meetings and participating in activities at the elementary, middle, and high schools. Their events included a skit, fall pep fest, Sticker Shock, drug-free pledge, and a cocoa and study event. They are working on recruiting more students to be involved and to help support and share their message.
Prescription Drug Awareness
Lee Morris, U of MN Medical Student
Lee Morris, a medical student at the University of Minnesota, gave a presentation on opioid use. As part of a school project, he partnered with Freedom Center in Princeton and created a handout with fact-based and human-based opioid information that is available at Fairview Clinics in Princeton, Zimmerman, and Elk River. He hopes his future predecessor will continue with the project, including partnering with the youth groups to present information to youth in the community. Contact Alicia for a copy of his presentation.
Magnet and Flyer Distribution
Magnets and flyers are ready for distribution to pharmacies and clinics by coalition volunteers. Alicia included a letter that can be given to the contact at the clinic and/or pharmacy to explain the activity.
Roxanne advised that we ran into a few logistical issues with placing disposal boxes at ERPD and Zimmerman’s Public Safety Building, so we will likely be removing this strategy. Roxanne reviewed the coalition’s remaining prescription drug strategies, which will be discussed further at the retreat on August 1. She also mentioned that Hennepin County has begun a “NOverdose” campaign, which she will learn more about at an upcoming conference in October.
Crave the Change
Kasey Cable, Program Specialist with Crave the Change, discussed how their organization is an initiative of CentraCare Health that seeks to reduce tobacco’s harm across Central Minnesota through education, outreach and advocacy. They partner with several groups including coalitions, school groups, Statewide Health Improvement Partnerships (SHIP), and other statewide initiatives. They are currently working on the Tobacco 21 initiative to increase the minimum age of sale for tobacco products to at least 21 years old, which has passed in Edina. She advised other areas are looking at a flavoring ordinance.
Retreat Planning
SUP Coalition Retreat
Alicia advised the Coalition Retreat will be on Tuesday, August 1 from 8:00 am-12:00 pm. Survey results indicated interest in working with youth on strategic planning and reviewing current youth drug trends. Judy Johnson suggested the Kelly Farm as a location or the Sherburne History Center.
Youth Retreat
Alicia suggested hosting future youth retreats more locally in place of CADCA trainings to allow for more students to be able to attend. Blake Paulson suggested bringing in professionals from our area. Alicia asked the students what would be beneficial for them to learn about at the youth retreat. Roxanne suggested a speaker to help with confidence building. Blake suggested focusing on the positives of being substance free rather than the negatives of what happens when you use. It was suggested to do a one day, 6-hour event for the first one. Melissa suggested surveying students throughout the year to see what their needs are. Alicia would like to create a task force group to help with the planning of this – made up of both students and adults. Let her know if you are interested.
There will not be a meeting in July.
The regular meeting was adjourned at 10:30 a.m.
Next Meeting: Wednesday, August 16th at 9:00 a.m. in the Sheriff’s Office Emergency Operations Center.
Mark Lees, Sherburne County HHS
Melissa Cribb, CMMHC
Chad Rhoads, CMMHC
Kasey Mol, CMMHC
Amanda Martin, Sherburne County HHS
Mark Kolbinger, Becker High School
Blake Paulson, Becker Student
Taylor Pawlicki, Becker Student
Emily Vetter, Big Lake Student
Christine Jones, Big Lake Student
Molly Wiemann, TXT4Life