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SUP Coalition Meeting Minutes

oCTOBER 2017

Sherburne County Substance Use Prevention Coalition

Meeting Minutes

October 18, 2017

9:00 a.m.

Sherburne County Sheriff’s Office Range & Training Center


Coalition Members Present: 

Alicia Klepsa, SUP Coalition Coordinator

Roxanne Schreder, Sherburne County Sheriff’s Office

Danielle Gessell, Sherburne County Sheriff’s Office

Amy Halvorson, Sherburne County Community Corrections

Jennifer Pim, Sherburne County Attorney’s Office

Alison Miller, Sherburne County HHS

Brian Baloun, Becker High School

Paul Hickerson, Becker Police Department

Jenilee Telander, Regional Prevention Coordinator

Alicia Klepsa called the meeting to order at approximately 9:05 a.m. Introductions were made.


Alicia requested approval of the minutes from the September 20, 2017 meeting. Jennifer Pim made a motion to approve the minutes, which was seconded by Francine Kosse. All were in favor.


Alicia asked for any additions or changes to the proposed agenda, none were made. Brian Baloun made a motion to approve the agenda, which was seconded by Jennifer. All were in favor.


Consent Agenda

Financial update was completed by Roxanne:

  • Total expenses from Year 3 were $123,786.64. The remaining grant carryover is $10,547.23.

  • Total in-kind donations documented for Year 3 were $152,779.28. This was about $18,400 over what was needed. Great work everyone!


Information Sharing/Agency Updates

  • Jenilee advised Program Sharing is tomorrow and Friday.

  • Marsha advised she is helping out at the Community Connect event at Elk River High School tomorrow and encouraged members to spread the word/attend.

  • Brian advised he and Chantel Boyer are the new representatives for Becker School District.  

  • Jennifer advised the juvenile assistant county attorney is back to doing intervention programs and presentations.

  • Dillon advised the Sobriety Squad will be showing the Lion King on 11/3 as an alternate event for youth.

  • Lisa advised there is a new county tobacco policy but not to the extent she would like it so she will keep working on it.

  • Eric provided an update on the start to the school year at Elk River High School.

  • Ryan Johnson provided an update on the start to the school year at Rogers High School.

  • Alicia advised all student groups have advisors. Mark Lees did alcohol compliance checks in the county and all passed; he will now move onto the cities. Rachel Hilyar will be replacing Judy Johnson at Elk River School District. Molly Wiemann is no longer the TXT4Life Coordinator. SUP leadership nominations will be in December.

  • Roxanne advised she attended a crime prevention conference, which highlighted opioid use. She learned that CVS recently started handling opioid prescriptions differently where they break the prescription down into weekly dispensing. She also learned that Hennepin County has a list of medical providers who are onboard with promoting better prescribing practices.


Marijuana Strategizing


Roxanne asked all members to think about events where we could or should have a presence with a table or presentation. Example: Roxanne advised she and Alicia are going to Big Lake High School to give a presentation to staff on marijuana use. Alicia will also be going to the quarterly township meeting tonight. Discussion was had about all of the ideas the group came up with. Alicia asked that members reach out to the various groups that were suggested to determine presentation logistics (where, when, time, purpose, and presenters). Please see attached list with suggestions.


Roxanne mentioned having 1-2 marijuana workshops for all sectors to attend. Asked if we thought it was worth trying to do two throughout the year. Discussion was had about this and it was decided to table this idea for now as targeted presentations were preferred. 


Alicia advised the “Live Above the Influence” poster with facts about youth marijuana use are being printed to be posted in the schools.


Coalition Satisfaction Survey Results

Roxanne went over the results of the coalition satisfaction survey. Discussion was had about the results. Roxanne asked members to continue to think about who we are missing and/or needing at the coalition table.


Alicia advised that recruitment will be addressed at the upcoming Executive Board meeting on 10/30 to bring new members up to speed on what the coalition is doing.


Year-End Report

Alicia passed out a year-end handout and will also email it out. Will discuss further at the November meeting.


The regular meeting was adjourned at 10:34 a.m.


Next Meeting: Wednesday, November 15 at 9:00 a.m. in the Sheriff’s Office Emergency Operations Center.

Marsha Reinking, RSVP Volunteer

Dillon Swenson, Spectrum Sobriety Squad

Ryan Donnelly, Spectrum Sobriety Squad

Francine Kosse, Fairview Health Services

Lisa Fobbe, Sherburne County Commissioner

Eric Balabon, Elk River Police Department

Ryan Johnson, Rogers High School

Patti Miller, Kanabec County SACK Coalition

Minutes from previous coalition meetings are available upon request.
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