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Chemical Dependency
Chemical health services are available to Sherburne County residents who are experiencing problems with alcohol or other drugs. Services are designed to help individuals gain access to programs that will assist them in understanding the symptoms and consequences of their chemical abuse or dependency and help them develop the tools necessary to live a sober life.
Services Include:
Chemical Dependency Assessment/Rule 25 Assessment-Rule 25 assessments are completed for Sherburne County residents in need of public funding to help pay for chemical dependency treatment. Clients who meet both clinical and financial requirements are eligible to have treatment paid for through the Consolidated Treatment Fund. The assessment process and decision criteria are governed by Minnesota Rule 2, part 9530.660 - 9530.6655.
Referrals to licensed chemical dependency treatment programs, individual counseling, detoxification services or educational programs based on the assessed level of care.
Case management services.
Civil commitments for Sherburne County residents endangering themselves or others through their use of alcohol or other drugs.
If you have health insurance or coverage through a managed care organization, call the member services number on the back of your member card or call the social service agency of the county in which you live. If you live on a tribal reservation, call the tribal office. Anyone can request an assessment for him/herself or for another person. The county or tribal agency must provide the assessment.
If you are currently enrolled in a managed care plan under MinnesotaCare or PMAP (pre-paid medical assistance or pre-paid general assistance medical care), you should call the number on the back of your enrollment card to see where to go for your assessment.
Contact Sherburne County Health & Human Services for more information:
Phone: 763-765-4000
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