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SUP Coalition Meeting Minutes

MAY 2016

Sherburne County Substance Use Prevention Coalition

Meeting Minutes

May 18, 2016

9:00 a.m.

Sherburne County Sheriff’s Office Range and Training Center


Coalition Members Present:

Amanda Martin, Sherburne County Health & Human Services

Dan Bradley, Sherburne County Probation

Alicia Klepsa, SUP Coalition Coordinator

Jayme Swenson, Spectrum Parent     

Jennifer Pim, Sherburne County Attorney’s Office

Eric Balabon, Elk River Police Department

Angie Charboneau-Folch, Big Lake High School

Sam Olson, Big Lake Police Department

Mark Kolbinger, Becker High School



Dan Bradley called the meeting to order at approximately 9:05 a.m. Introductions were made.


Dan Bradley asked if everyone had a chance to review the minutes from the April 20, 2016 meeting. Sam Olson made a motion to approve the minutes, which was seconded by Jennifer Pim. All were in favor.


Dan Bradley asked for any additions or changes to the proposed agenda, none were made. Jayme Swenson made a motion to approve the agenda, which was seconded by Eric Balabon. All were in favor.


Consent Agenda

Dan Bradley gave an update on the financial report and Alicia Klepsa gave an update on in-kind match. Dan reminded members that the volunteer rate increased to $25.20.


Agency Update/Information Sharing

From Stats to Solutions Conference Takeaways: Alicia attended this conference last week put on by Minnesota Adult & Teen Challenge that contained panels of professionals and individuals sharing their personal stories of how substance use has impacted their lives.  Alicia mentioned how one of the panelists discussed how drug-related convictions could affect student loan eligibility.  Dan Bradley stated that there is information about this in the Collateral Consequences document created by Probation.  


Angie Charboneau-Folch advised their Be Real Photo Booth event was very successful.  She also mentioned that SAFE Squad students will be presenting to the school board next Thursday and are planning a chemical-free event at the Lions Park in Big Lake with the Friends of Rachel group.


Mark Kolbinger advised the DREAM Team is exploring routes to do more outreach to 8th graders in Becker.   


Alicia Klepsa mentioned that drug disposal flyers and magnets have been distributed to pharmacies in the county, except Kemper Drug as they already have information they give to their customers.  Also, Princeton Police Department now has a drug disposal box, so Alicia is working with the Chief to get their location added to the flyer.  She also mentioned that our coalition will be getting a new Regional Prevention Coordinator (RPC) likely this summer to provide technical assistance, resources, and consultation.     


Sticker Shock

Feedback was provided from members that assisted with Sticker Shock.  Angie, Dan, Eric, and Jayme thought the stores were all very accommodating and supportive.  Alicia advised that all 3,000 stickers and 2,000 bottle hangers have been used.  She also advised that feedback forms have been collected and certificates of appreciation have been given.  Feedback from the stores was consistent in that stores want to participate again, but would like the bottle hangers to be smaller as it was difficult to see the product and price.  Discussion was had about making the hangers smaller or only using stickers as well as offering this opportunity to gas stations and grocery stores that sell alcoholic products.  There was also discussion on how often we would like to do Sticker Shock campaigns.  Jennifer Pim shared that it may be a good idea to offer it in the fall and spring to keep the messaging fresh in people’s mind.  The months discussed were September and April as these are before homecomings, proms, and graduation.  


Mark Kolbinger will be reaching out to Beck’s Pub in Becker after today’s coalition meeting to see if they are interested in participating in Sticker Shock. Jennifer Gunderson has reached out to Jubilee Liquor and Good Spirits & Smoke.


Community Events

Music in the Park: Angie volunteered to help with Music in the Park in Big Lake on Thursday, June 16th.  SAFE Squad students have also been asked to assist.  A booth will be provided to engage event goers with educational resources and our drug trivia prize wheel.  Others that are interested in volunteering can reach out to Alicia. 


Parades: Mark Kolbinger mentioned asking our student groups to participate in the parades.  Alicia advised they have been asked, but have not specified if they are able to yet.  A discussion was had that if youth are unable to participate in the parades that we would forgo participating this year. 


Hidden in Plain Sight: Discussion was had around having a Hidden in Plain Sight Exhibit at the Sherburne County Fair. All were in favor of offering this.  It was mentioned that Friday or Saturday of the fair may be a good day to offer this.  Alicia volunteered to reach out to organizers of the fair to see if spacing was available to set up the exhibit.     


SUP Coalition Retreat

Alicia advised the SUP Coalition Retreat will take place on Friday, August 5th from 10:00 am – 2:00 pm in the EOC.  Topics of interest generated from the SUP Coalition Retreat survey included policy work, how younger generations think and learn, mental health and the stigma associated with it, community and school activities, overdose concerns, marijuana and law enforcement, and how we can target sellers to youth.


Alicia is looking into the following speakers: Wendy Morgan, our evaluator from Collaborative Planning Group, students from our youth groups – including those that are attending CADCA Mid-Year, and Chad Rhoads or another representative from Central MN Mental Health Center.  The Sherburne County Drug Task Force is a confirmed presenter.  Angie mentioned that having three speakers may work best when accounting for breaks. 


Lunch ideas – Jennifer Pim advised we should find out how many youth are coming to the retreat to determine how much food we will need as we would not expect them to pay.  Angie volunteered to reach out to Coborns to see how much they would charge to do box lunches.   


Marijuana Strategies

Francine and Alicia met to discuss strategies surrounding marijuana. They determined the target audience for this campaign/information distribution should be parents and youth.  Messaging should be specific to the population.  They came up with the following:

Parent Messaging:

  • Education (Interferes with attention, memory, motivation, and learning; IQ drops, tend to get lower grades, and are more likely to drop out of high school)

  • Not the same marijuana as before (more potent and dangerous)

  • Gateway Drug

  • Drugged Driving (THC impairs attention, working memory, coordination, reaction time)

Youth Messaging:

  • Marijuana smoke has same cancer-causing chemicals as tobacco smoke

  • Future implications (graduation, financial aid, legal consequences, employment, freedom, sports) 

Discussion was had around beginning a marijuana campaign this summer, but members felt it may be too much right now with all of the community events taking place this summer and continuing the Be Real Campaign.All were in favor of revisiting this in the fall.

The regular meeting was adjourned at 10:30 a.m.


Next Meeting: Wednesday, June 15, at 9:00 a.m. in the Sheriff’s Office Emergency Operations Center.

Minutes from previous coalition meetings are available upon request.
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