SUP Coalition Meeting Minutes
MARCH 2016
Sherburne County Substance Use Prevention Coalition
Meeting Minutes
March 16, 2016
9:00 a.m.
Sherburne County Sheriff’s Office Emergency Operations Center
Coalition Members Present:
Alicia Klepsa, SUP Coalition Coordinator
Francine Kosse, Fairview Health Services
Joel Brott, Sherburne County Sheriff’s Office
Jayme Swenson, Spectrum Parent
Victoria Holbert, Retired Resident
Mark Kolbinger, Becker High School
Angie Charboneau-Folch, Big Lake High School
Frank Rice, Retired Resident
Jennifer Gunderson, Becker Parent
Eric Balabon, Elk River Police Department
Molly Hanson, YMCA
Amy Tompkins, Big Lake Parent, Elk River Teacher
Jennifer Pim, Sherburne County Attorney’s Office
Chad Rhoads, Central MN Mental Health Center
Dustin Chapman, University of Minnesota Medical Center
Alicia Klepsa called the meeting to order at approximately 9:00 a.m. Introductions were made.
Alicia Klepsa asked if everyone had a chance to review the minutes from the February 17, 2016 meeting. Alicia made a motion to approve the minutes, which was seconded by Frank Rice.
Alicia Klepsa asked for any additions or changes to the proposed agenda, none were made. Alicia made a motion to approve the agenda, which was seconded by Angie Charboneau-Folch.
Consent Agenda
Alicia gave a financial update. To date, we have approximately $68,439 remaining in Year 2. Our current match is at approximately $64,385. Our carryover request has not been approved yet. Recent expenditures include SAFE Squad t-shirts and bracelets and four $10 gift cards for the DREAM Team’s Winter Dream Fest event that took place last month.
Information Sharing/Agency Updates
Discussion was had about Darin Teske’s medical cannabis presentation at the February coalition meeting. Alicia showed a picture of a billboard in Ramsey for legalizing marijuana in the November 8 elections even though MN is not considering it in this year’s election.
Alicia showed the logos for each student group – Big Lake, Becker, and Spectrum. There are hold-ups with bringing Elk River on board. Zimmerman is currently looking for an advisor.
“Be Real” Campaign
This past Monday, 49 students from Becker, Big Lake, Spectrum, and Zimmerman filmed a promo video for the “Be Real” campaign. This will be ready in about a week. The video will be shown in schools a week prior to holding an event in each school with Community BluePrint. They will be bringing an interactive photo booth and prizes to engage students and bring awareness to the campaign.
Sticker Shock Campaign
Alicia advised that 7 of the 9 liquor stores approached are willing to participate. The campaign will be done mid-late April into early May – scheduled right before proms. We will need at least two adult volunteers per liquor store, including law enforcement since youth will be in contact with alcohol products. The dates were attached to the agenda. Email Alicia if you are able to participate.
T-shirts will be provided to adult volunteers. Alicia made a motion to approve the purchase of 300 t-shirts for $1,395 from InkWizards, which was seconded by Francine. Alicia received a quote for the stickers and hangers from Elk River Printing. Media will be invited to the events so each volunteer will need to sign a media release, which you can get from Alicia
Alicia asked for ideas for thanking the retailers for participating. Suggestions were a press release, a framed thank you with the sticker/hanger, or a poster. Feedback forms will be given to each retailer to complete.
Eric Balabon mentioned that he was approached by a liquor store about whether the coalition would support not going to Sunday liquor sales. Jennifer Pim advised this comes up every legislative session, but nothing seems to come of it.
Social Host Ordinance Ad
Alicia showed a Social Host Ordinance advertisement created by Kayla Stai that will be used on social media and websites. She asked members to share it on their organization’s social media accounts and/or their personal accounts. HHS will also be sending out prom letters to all parents of prom-goers with safety tips.
Upcoming Events
CADCA Mid-Year – July 17-21 in Las Vegas
Alicia asked for input on how many individuals we should send. There is about $15,000 left in travel funds, and to send 6 people last year was about $10,000. It was suggested sending a youth from each school, if possible. Jennifer suggested doing an application process if there is a lot of interest from youth. Angie, Jayme, and Jennifer will be on the application task force. If any adults are interested in attending, please let Alicia know. Jayme, Angie, and Eric will check their schedules to see if they will be able to attend.
Youth Mental Health First Aid Training – October 3
Alicia advised we will need to find a location to host the training for 30 participants. Molly and Amy are looking into locations. Discussion was had about offering a similar training for teens. Text 4 Life and the Four County Crisis Response Team are available resources for teens that may need help for themselves or their friends.
Youth Retreat
The student groups are excited to have a youth retreat in the summer for all of the student groups to get together, possibly in the beginning of August.
Coalition Retreat
Alicia mentioned having another retreat in August for members. Let Alicia know if you have any topics of interest.
House Cleaning Items
Jennifer commented on making a few updates to the by-laws, including making the distinction between elected positions and appointed/hired positions, updating the length of term for the chairperson as we discussed at a previous meeting, and increasing the threshold for when expenses need full committee approval from $1,000 to $2,000. Alicia made a motion to approve these changes, which was seconded by Francine.
Coalition Involvement Agreements (CIAs) need to be updated by all coalition members as they are only good for one year.
Meeting Logistics – Alicia will send out a survey regarding meeting location, date, and time.
Prescription Drug Magnet Distribution
PD magnets list the 3 locations of drug drop-off boxes in the county. Jayme volunteered to make sure the pharmacy/clinic list is up-to-date before distribution begins.
Jayme asked about the Hidden in Plain Sight exhibit for parents and Alicia advised the schools are interested in holding it during orientation/open house. More discussion will be had about this at the next meeting.
The regular meeting was adjourned at 10:30 a.m.
The next meeting will be on Wednesday, April 20, at 9:00 a.m. in the Sheriff’s Office Emergency Operations Center.