SUP Coalition Meeting Minutes
JUNE 2016
Sherburne County Substance Use Prevention Coalition
Meeting Minutes
June 15, 2016
9:00 a.m.
Sherburne County Sheriff’s Office Emergency Operations Center
Coalition Members Present:
Eric Balabon, Elk River Police Department
Dan Bradley, Sherburne County Probation
Michelle Chabot, Big Lake High School
Angie Charboneau-Folch, Big Lake High School (SAFE Squad Advisor)
Jen Gunderson, Becker Parent
Victoria Holbert, Retired Resident
Alicia Klepsa, SUP Coalition Coordinator
Francine Kosse, Fairview Health Services
Jan Lefebvre, Becker High School (DREAM Team Advisor)
Jennifer Pim, Sherburne County Attorney’s Office
Roxanne Schreder, Sherburne County Sheriff’s Office
Dan Bradley called the meeting to order at approximately 9:05 a.m. Introductions were made.
Dan asked if everyone had a chance to review the minutes from the May 18, 2016 meeting. Eric Balabon made a motion to approve the minutes, which was seconded by Francine Kosse. All were in favor.
Dan asked for any additions or changes to the proposed agenda, none were made. Alicia Klepsa made a motion to approve the agenda, which was seconded by Eric. All were in favor.
Alicia asked for input from the coalition whether to have a July Coalition meeting or to wait until August 17, 2016 for the next regular meeting. (Generally, the coalition does not have a regular meeting in July due to various scheduling conflicts of its members.) Francine made a motion to have the next regularly scheduled SUP Coalition meeting occur on Wednesday, August 17th, which was seconded by Dan. All were in favor. Alicia did remind attendees of the SUP Coalition Retreat which is occurring on Friday, August 5th from 10 – 2 pm in the SCSO EOC.
Consent Agenda
Dan gave an update on the financial report, with additional information provided by Alicia and Roxanne Schreder. To date, we have approximately $70,000 of funds available, but considering invoices not yet paid such as planned travel and training expenses, personnel costs, etc., there is approximately $20,000 left of the grant to spend down by the end of September. As for in-kind match documentation, Roxanne has $108,979 currently documented. Therefore, only $47,936 of in-kind support will need to be documented prior to the end of the grant year. Per discussion regarding upcoming trainings and events, that should be easily attainable.
Agency Update/Information Sharing
The two youth advisors from Big Lake and Becker High Schools attended the meeting and provided a synopsis of their involvement with the youth through SUP this past school year. Their comments included:
Michelle Chabot – Big Lake High School YLC Advisor to SAFE Squad – Year in Review
Started as advisor in November and completed 6 items/actions throughout the school year
Pleased to have two students attending CADCA Mid-Year in July
The Be Real Campaign appeared to be well attended, possibly the most attended of the schools.
Completed Sticker Shock - Placed approximately 1,100 bottle hangers and stickers during the event
Students did outreach to United Way’s I-Empower group at the Middle School and will continue that outreach by presenting to or providing information to freshmen at BLHS on “Freshmen First Day”
They will be gathering this summer to plan their activities and events for the upcoming school year and also creating a recruitment video to help get new members.
SAFE Squad presented to:
School Board in May about their successes with the YLC
KIDS Choice 5th grade students and their parents about the importance of positive choices
Jan Lefebvre – Becker High School YLC Advisor to the DREAM Team – Year in Review
Started as advisor in the fall
Had parental/youth support right away from those that attended CADCA Mid-Year in Indianapolis
Was concerned about image – wanted a positive image that would include everyone for the group
Was hoping for 4 boys and 4 girls from each grade. Ended up with approximately 16 students participating
Kicked off the YLC by creating a short video of DREAM Team members doing something they liked to do and then showcased it the school
Had great success with pledge event. Originally had 140 signatures, and now have closer to 200. All students were allowed to sign pledge; regardless of past/current behavior in the hope that some would decide to turn over a new leaf by no longer using alcohol or drugs.
Attended the Becker Expo Youth Expo, however it seemed more geared toward adults, so most likely will not be attending this in the future.
Completed a second video that helped with outreach to more students. The group grew to 32 students who have chosen not to use and were videoed with something they love.
Winter Dream Fest was a success. Over 100 students attended to interact with their peers, play games, and listen to music. Potential to do something quarterly or every season.
The Be Real Campaign was well received. Photo Booth was great! Video turned out fabulous. Kids were proud of their accomplishments and being involved in such a production.
Participated in the Middle School Wellness Day. Students interacted with participating 8th graders. 140 - 8th graders pledged to stay drug free.
Had a booth during Becker’s Spring Fling in May. Students played drug trivia on the prize wheel with the opportunity to get prizes (candy, SUP t-shirts, Be Real swag). Felt this was a better way to connect with youth rather than the business/youth expo.
Students attending CADCA Mid-Year this summer are very excited.
Planning on meeting with students in August to plan a kickoff event in September
Next school year they plan to provide more education to students.
Alicia reported for Marc Prepeluh – Spectrum YLC Advisor to the Sobriety Squad
They have a 90 minute youth service class every two weeks
Had 15 students in this class period for the YLC. Students liked having a smaller group as they felt like everyone did their part and wanted to be there.
All of the students coming back to Spectrum next year indicated interest in staying in the group and working on this service project. Additionally, 5 more have inquired to join as well.
Alicia mentioned that a suggestion made by all students groups was for the groups to get together on a more consistent basis, such as quarterly to learn from each other and build those relationships.
Alicia also provided an update for Zimmerman and Elk River Schools. Zimmerman’s Asst. Principal is making a concerted effort to find a Youth Advisor for next year and recruit from the various grades. As for Elk River, potentially some of the information can be shared through the TIES Mentors (4 seniors), however, nothing is set as of yet.
Parent Campaign
Communications Team met and discussed having an educational campaign directed towards parents. It would have a message of “Talk Early, Talk Often” similar to nationwide campaigns on this subject. Community Blueprint provided a proposal of different outreach options such as filming 30-60 second video clips that can be shared with parents and guardians on different topics. A few ideas provided by coalition members in attendance:
Text conversations between parent and teen – reminders in a goofy way not to use substances
Conversation between parent and teen in car – using opportune times to talk
Focus on marijuana – why, as a parent, I don’t want you to use it
A video of the realization that your son/daughter was using alcohol – Now what? Provide ideas. (One parent uses the method of having the location enabled on their child’s cell phone when away from the home.)
Information on e-cigarettes – dangers and laws
Youth – What’s a bad approach versus a good approach to dealing with this topic with their son/daughter
Social Host Ordinance – laws and consequences
Parent or teen testimonial – What would have helped keep son/daughter from using or stopping using?
Community Blueprint would charge approximately $5000 to complete the videos, provide infographics that can be used in conjunction with the videos, and provide posters/fliers that can be distributed to local businesses with the messaging discussed above. Alicia made the motion to accept the proposal and Angie Charboneau-Folch seconded the motion. All were in agreement.
Hidden in Plain Sight
Hidden in Plain Sight will be set up at the Sherburne County Fair on Saturday, July 16th. The Vice President of the Fair Board has donated space to have this exhibit available for attendees. Once the space is decided upon, coalition volunteers will review it to see how to set up the exhibit. The exhibit would be open to the public from 11:30 – 3:00 pm. Set up of the furniture might occur on Friday, depending on where the booth is. Would need assistance with set up on Saturday morning and tear down. Would also like to have law enforcement present. Roxanne and Alicia are unable to go. We do not have the furniture to set up the room as of yet, but do have all of the other props.
Dan stated he can help set it up and can stay all day, if needed.
Jennifer Gunderson stated she would check her schedule.
Eric stated he may be busy with the parade, but would check to see availability.
If interested in volunteering or helping in any way, please email Alicia. It would be nice to have a few shifts of people that could help with the fair exhibit. Adult volunteers are requested.
A coalition member had suggested having a checklist for parents/guardians to take with them after visiting the exhibit to help educate them on where to look and what to look for. Alicia completed this checklist and was provided feedback from the coalition. This will be updated and sent out to the coalition.
Member Recruitment
As you may know, Kayla Stai has been a great volunteer to have on our coalition. She returned to her position in Big Lake as a part time employee after having her child and does not have time to volunteer any longer. She will help with any transition to a new graphics arts/media person, if needed. Please provide suggestions to Alicia if you know of a person in the community that could take Kayla’s place.
Other coalition sectors that would be beneficial to have more of: Healthcare Professional, Volunteer/Civic members, Religious/Fraternal. Think of individuals in your circle of work, friends, or family. Could any benefit themselves or their organizations, and in turn benefit the SUP Coalition by being involved in the meetings, supporting roles, etc.? A Community Letter was developed by the Communications Team; this could be provided to prospective members who in turn could contact Alicia for more information. As the inviter, you could help mentor them if they have other questions that come up through their involvement with the coalition. Please keep your eyes open for new contacts in the community.
SUP Coalition Retreat
Alicia advised the SUP Coalition Retreat will take place on Friday, August 5th from 10:00 am – 2:00 pm in the EOC. Three main topics of interest will be discussed:
Drug Task Force presented by members of the Sherburne County DTF
Policy Work: Advocacy vs. Lobbying presented by our evaluator Wendy Morgan
CADCA Mid-Year Training Review and Action Plan by Youth Council Attendees along with a segment on “How teens think/process what is around them”
*** – If you have any topics you want any of the above speakers to cover, or specific questions asked of them, please let Alicia know by this Friday, June 17, 2016 if at all possible.
*** If you have not signed up to attend the retreat, please do so soon. Currently, 17 adults are signed up to attend and it is expected to have approximately 15 youth attend the event.
Lunch options were discussed as grant funding does not cover food costs for meetings. Angie provided a menu from Coborn’s Deli as an option. Alicia will contact Subway owner Mike Tauer to see if potentially there may be an option through them. Pizza and potluck style was also discussed. Further checking will be completed before making a final decision.
The regular meeting was adjourned at 10:25 a.m.
Next Meeting: Wednesday, August 17th, at 9:00 a.m. in the Sheriff’s Office Emergency Operations Center.