SUP Coalition Meeting Minutes
APRIL 2016
Sherburne County Substance Use Prevention Coalition
Meeting Minutes
April 20, 2016
9:00 a.m.
Sherburne County Sheriff’s Office Range and Training Center
Coalition Members Present:
Amanda Larson, Sherburne County Health & Human Services
Dan Bradley, Sherburne County Probation
Jennifer Nordeen, Free Heroin’s Hold, Parent
Alicia Klepsa, SUP Coalition Coordinator
Roxanne Schreder, Sherburne County Sheriff’s Office
Jayme Swenson, Spectrum Parent
Victoria Holbert, Retired Resident
Amy Tompkins, Big Lake Parent, Elk River School District
Molly Hanson, YMCA
Frank Rice, Retired Resident
Tom Sterneman, Refuge – An Evangelical Free Church
Judy Johnson, Elk River School District
Jennifer Pim, Sherburne County Attorney’s Office
Chad Rhoads, Central MN Mental Health Center
Eric Balabon, Elk River Police Department
Angie Charboneau-Folch, Big Lake High School
Amanda Larson called the meeting to order at approximately 9:05 a.m. Introductions were made.
Amanda Larson asked if everyone had a chance to review the minutes from the March 16, 2016 meeting. Dan Bradley made a motion to approve the minutes, which was seconded by Frank Rice. All were in favor.
Amanda Larson asked for any additions or changes to the proposed agenda, none were made. Dan Bradley made a motion to approve the agenda, which was seconded by Roxanne Schreder. All were in favor.
Consent Agenda
Dan Bradley gave an update on the financial report and Roxanne gave an update on in-kind match. The volunteer rate increased to $25.20. She will send out a new output log.
Agency Update/Information Sharing
Frank Rice passed out a flyer for the “Hope Center”, and also spoke about Crossing Recovery.
Angie Charboneau-Folch advised their SAFE Squad students held a pledge event during lunch where students signed a banner to be drug-free. Angie also mentioned that Crave the Change Coordinator, Katie Gruber, presented in health classes on the harmful effects of e-cigarettes. In preparation for Big Lake’s prom on May 7, Trooper Barthel will be doing a presentation during Hornet Hour about safe driving and making good choices. The “Be Real” photo booth event will also take place at the high school on May 6.
Alicia Klepsa advised the City of Clear Lake is considering implementing a social host ordinance. County Attorney Kathy Heaney is working to draft an ordinance for them.
Sticker Shock
Alicia advised the Sticker Shock Campaign kicked off at Uptown Offsale in Zimmerman where 1,000 stickers and 700 hangers were used. P & A Liquor was done yesterday where 500 stickers and 200 hangers were used. Northbound Liquor will be done today with the Sobriety Squad. SAFE Squad will be doing Lake Liquors on April 25. SAFE Discount Liquor will be done on April 26 and Westbound Liquor on May 2. Alicia advised that Star News and West Sherburne Tribune were notified of the events. It was suggested to invite the owner of Uptown Offsale to join the coalition, so Tom Sterneman will talk with her. It was also suggested to put social host information on the back of the hangers for next year and maybe a QR code to obtain more info. Alicia left feedback forms with the stores. A thank you ad will be run in the paper and each store will receive a certificate. Email Alicia if you would like to assist with Stick Shock.
Jennifer Gunderson will be talking with the Becker establishments. Alicia will meet with Briggs Lake Liquor on Friday.
“Be Real” Campaign
Alicia showed the “Be Real” campaign video. Community BluePrint will be going into the schools starting next week for a photo booth event. The video should be shown to students at least one week prior to the events. Alicia will send out the final link to the video. Alicia suggested the next step should be getting the information out to parents and community members. Ideas given were billboards, mailings, posters, ads on bathroom stall doors, or post-its for bags or receipts. All agreed that billboards and flyers are a good place to start.
Strategic Communications Plan
Jennifer, Roxanne, and Alicia met yesterday to work on the Strategic Communications Plan. This plan lays out what events and activities are happening each month for one year to provide direction for coalition members. Alicia passed out a rough draft of the plan for members to review and provide input. She also passed out CADCA’s Seven Strategies for Community Change as a reminder.
Discussion was had about setting up Hidden in Plain Sight in both the middle and high schools in the County. It was suggested to offer a checklist for parents to take with them of things they may see or have seen in their kid’s rooms.
Alicia commented on community events and parades. It was suggested to utilize our student groups in the parades and coalition members could do the County Fair. It was suggested to do Hidden in Plain Sight at the County Fair. Alicia advised that she will also ask students about performing scans at the community events this year.
Task Force Groups
Hidden in Plain Sight – Roxanne advised we are hoping to have a task force group for this exhibit. Jennifer Nordeen volunteered to be involved with this. Angie and Judy are already talking with Alicia about this as well. Judy Johnson advised they are going to do a fall parent night on drug education, mental health, internet safety, and human trafficking. A coalition of local agencies is involved in the planning of this event.
Marijuana Strategies – It was suggested to have a task force group for researching marijuana strategies to help educate the public on its harmful effects. Dan recommended asking Francine Kosse to be a part of this group.
The regular meeting was adjourned at 10:30 a.m.
The next meeting will be on Wednesday, May 18, at 9:00 a.m. in the Sheriff’s Office Emergency Operations Center.