SUP Coalition Meeting Minutes
MAY 2015
Sherburne County Substance Use Prevention Coalition
Meeting Minutes
May 20, 2015
9:00 a.m.
Sherburne County Sheriff’s Office Emergency Operations Center
Coalition Members Present: Coalition Members Absent:
Mark Kolbinger, Chairperson Felix Schmiesing, Civic/Volunteer
Bjorn Dixon, Vice Chairperson Russ Girtz, Parent
Alicia Klepsa, Project Coordinator Rob McDonald, Business
Joel Brott, Law Enforcement Jim Boyle, Media
Roxanne Schreder, Law Enforcement Gary Meyer, Media
Maureen Wilkus, Local Government Mark Lees, Local Government
Dan Bradley, Local Government Sheri Rutar, School
Jennifer Pim, Local Government Kayla Stai, Media
Amanda Larson, Local Government Tom Sternemen, Religious
Michael Tauer, Parent Judy Johnson, School
Angie Folch, School Brad Rekstad, Other Substance Use Prev.
Molly Hanson, Youth Organization Nathan Sindt, Other Substance Use Prev.
Francine Kosse, Health Care Professional Darrell Skog, School
Rachael Tauer, Youth Julie Schreifels, Business
Mark Kolbinger called the meeting to order at approximately 9:02 a.m.
Mark Kolbinger asked if everyone had a chance to review the minutes from the April 15, 2015, meeting. Jennifer Pim made a motion to approve the minutes, which was seconded by Francine Kosse. All were in favor.
Mark asked for any additions or changes to the proposed agenda. A request had been made to move the Faith Sector Update behind agenda item #4 due to Bjorn Dixon needing to leave early today. Maureen Wilkus made a motion to approve the agenda with the adjustment in scheduled items, which was seconded by Francine. All were in favor.
Consent Agenda
Dan Bradley provided current financial information that was known at the time, including federal funds spent and in-kind match. Roxanne Schreder indicated the in-kind match was not up-to-date and hopes to have it ready for the next coalition meeting. Alicia Klepsa indicated a budget revision will need to be completed since we have over 25% in changes to the budget – mainly due to hiring the Project Coordinator position in December – she is in the process of completing the revision. Mark asked for a motion to approve the consent agenda, which was made by Roxanne and seconded by Jennifer. All were in favor.
Faith Sector Update
Bjorn indicated that it would work best to meet with the local ministerial associations prior to having a Faith Forum to help drum up support for these efforts. The first Faith Sector meeting is scheduled for today with the Elk River Ministerial Association. It is the largest ministerial association in the county and today’s meeting also includes the Youth Ministers from this area. Bjorn, Alicia, and Roxanne will be attending and presenting at the meeting to discuss who the Coalition is and how we can partner with the Faith Sector to decrease substance use among our youth.
Mark has provided contact information for the Big Lake and Becker Ministerial Associations. It is our hope to meet with the Zimmerman Ministerial Association in September from communication provided thus far. (Many of the groups do not meet in the summer.)
Bjorn also indicated today would be his last coalition meeting, deciding it was time to rotate off of the coalition due to increased responsibilities he has acquired through the YMCA and the WHY Church since January of this year. Bjorn has provided three years of service on the coalition and we are grateful for his service. Sheriff Joel Brott spoke on Bjorn’s accomplishments after a summary of Bjorn’s resignation letter was read. Bjorn will continue to support our mission and vision and will help our efforts when able, however, cannot be officially on the coalition membership at this time. Tom Sternemen will now act as our Faith Sector representative via our CIA agreements.
Evaluator Training
Wendy Morgan, our evaluator from Collaborative Planning Group, was here to provide training for members on Monday, May 18th and also to receive a tour of our community. She provided an overview of what the evaluator can do for our coalition, with nine of our members in attendance. In review, coalition members in attendance indicated:
Dan: Liked what we were doing, overall a good review of what has been done thus far
Angie: Logic model was thorough and complete, provided feedback
Mark: Wanted to know more about where we could show growth since we already have a lot going for our coalition and community.
Roxanne: Good base of knowledge, especially for the logic models, but now our coalition has to follow them to be successful in the various areas. Wendy picked our coalition over others to work with – is used to working with a Sheriff’s Office from past experience as a coordinator
Alicia – Logic Model comments as well – need to split heroin into a fourth logic model due to the activities that will decrease its use are different than prescription drugs. The Coalition Management System will also be helpful in tracking our reach in the community.
Example: Brochures taken at booths
Social Host Ordinance letters mailed by Big Lake High School - 483 letters sent to parents of those students in the junior and senior class (Coalition paid for postage)
As an evaluator, Wendy will provide the following as examples:
Yearly review, with a weekly review of material uploaded onto the evaluation site
Pre and Post Survey review – How that will help define what our coalition has done and needs to do for positive community change
Preparation for mandatory progress reports for the DFC grant
Environmental Scans
Environmental scans at events were discussed, due to the fact that many local festivals are scheduled for the summer months. Additionally, the overall county and city scans can be scheduled for the fall by groups of two or three members and volunteers.
The Community Event Scan document was already sent out by Alicia to members. It should be noted that scans can be performed by various individuals, including individuals not on the coalition membership list. If you have friends, family, or co-workers attending events this summer and would be willing to answer multiple choice questions as a volunteer, please notify Alicia immediately.
Alicia will provide a sign-up email to the coalition. Please check your Google Doc calendar for specific dates and times of the community events. A list of different areas of the events (parade, carnival, dance, softball tournaments, etc.) will be provided as information is released to establish a well-rounded evaluation of the gathering. This will include various venues taking advantage of the increased attendance, such as hospitality establishments having live bands, etc.
Mark indicated he would help with the Becker Freedom Days event evaluation.
Coalition Updates
CADCA Members
We are now officially a part of CADCA, Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America. Therefore, we will receive technical assistance, discounts on events and training, and discounts at other businesses, such as Staples, etc. with the membership.
CADCA Mid-Year
Attendees Include:
Rachael and Mike Tauer
Alicia Klepsa
? – Still room for one adult and up to two youth
Youth Leadership Council
Advisors will include:
Jan from Becker High School
Marc from Spectrum High School
Alicia for Big Lake High School (Will reevaluate at the beginning of the 2015-2016 school year)
Still waiting on Elk River/Zimmerman status
Community Blueprint
In the process of completing a HS Advisory Board now and in the summer to develop a Positive Community Norms campaign. They plan to hold three brainstorming sessions with youth, potentially on four consecutive Tuesdays (with a break on the third week for continued brainstorming). Each meeting will be approximately 45 minutes long. It is our hope to have 8 – 10 youth involved, preferably throughout the various school districts. Please spread the word on the opportunity.
Task Force Updates
Student Survey
June 8th at 1:00 pm: Student Survey Task Force Meeting at the Sheriff’s Office. Currently, Alicia, Mark, and Angie will be meeting. If interested in attending, contact Alicia for more information. *** Note: Survey Monkey has been purchased to assist with this process.
Coalition Retreat
Kelly Felton will be here on August 11th from 9 – 1 pm
Strategic Prevention Framework
Strategies – what and what does not work
Hands on Activities
Email Alicia with ideas that you would like to see presented or topics that are of interest to you – potentially to help you understand your role in the coalition, what can you do as a volunteer or supporter of the coalition, how to further be involved or get others to be involved to spread the work, etc.
Action Plan/Logic Models
Review the logic models and action plans.
Will be helpful with your various teams and task force groups to give an idea of what you can be working on and specific strategies to help with the goals in and outside our regular meetings. Please use it!
Sticker Shock Campaign
Sticker Shock is an effort to raise awareness of the consequences of buying alcohol for minors.
Generally, volunteers from our youth, with assistance of adults and law enforcement, place stickers on alcohol in local stores to drive home the message that it's not acceptable or legal to supply alcohol to youth. Typically, it is timed to coincide with graduations, holidays, or when celebrations involving alcohol are common.
Suggestions made for this outreach opportunity included:
Do before a large holiday, such as 4th of July or Labor Day
Engage Youth
Liquor Stores – HHS has attempted to do this in the past and only one or two businesses would participate. As a business, the concern would be that it would decrease sales even if individuals were not supplying alcohol to minors.
Provide a sticker warning at checkout rather than on the bottles, etc. due to placement concerns
Have at grocery stores. Families are already there and this may be an added opportunity to discuss this topic with their children or other family members. Wider range of audience.
Whatever is used, which it has not been developed for our area yet, needs to be appealing to a broad audience with a message.
Visit off-sale liquor stores – provide a letter to them explaining the stats regarding alcohol provided to youth from friends and family
Provide an example of what the sticker would look like
Warnings provided
Potential to be placed on their shopping bags rather than on the bottle or cases themselves?
Ask Mark Lees what other push back he found when attempting to do this outreach in the past.
Vice Chair Appointment
Due to Bjorn’s resignation from the coalition and his role as Vice Chairperson, Jennifer suggested we have a vote at the June meeting to fulfill the Vice Chair position. Position description per our by-laws is:
Vice-Chair – The Vice-Chair shall preside at all meetings of the Coalition in the absence of the Board Chair, and shall perform such duties as may be assigned by the Coalition members. In case of death, retirement, resignation, or disability of the Board Chair, the Vice-Chair shall perform and be vested with all the duties and powers of the Board Chair.
This position would be filled by a member until the next election due December 2017.
In addition, the following information is within the by-laws for election purposes:
Elections – The Chair, Vice-Chair, and Financial Representative shall be elected by a majority vote of Coalition members present during the December meeting. Nominations shall be accepted from the floor. The term of office for designated members above shall be two years. There are no limits as to the number of successive terms which may be served by any Executive Board member.
6.5 Vacancies – Vacancies in office for any Executive Board member, arising from any cause, will be filled through a special election. The newly elected Executive Board member shall complete the term of the replaced officer.
Please consider offering your talents as a Vice Chairperson for the Coalition.
The regular meeting was adjourned at 9.58 a.m. with various teams meeting afterwards.
The next meeting will be on Wednesday, June 17th, at 9:00 a.m. in the Sheriff’s Office Emergency Operation Center.