SUP Coalition Meeting Minutes
JUNE 2015
Sherburne County Substance Use Prevention Coalition
Meeting Minutes
June 17, 2015
9:00 a.m.
Sherburne County Sheriff’s Office Emergency Operations Center
Coalition Members Present:
Alicia Klepsa, SUP Project Coordinator
Roxanne Schreder, Sherburne County Sheriff’s Office
Francine Kosse, Fairview Health Services
Angie Folch, Big Lake High School
Kayla Stai, Big Lake High School
Brad Rekstad, National Guard Counter Drug Task Force
Maureen Wilkus, Sherburne County Health & Human Services
Amanda Larson, Sherburne County Health & Human Services
Mark Lees, Sherburne County Health & Human Services
Frank Rice, Citizen
Alicia Klepsa called the meeting to order at approximately 9:00 a.m. Introductions were made.
Alicia Klepsa asked if everyone had a chance to review the minutes from the May 20, 2015, meeting. Amanda Larson made a motion to approve the minutes, which was seconded by Francine Kosse.
Alicia Klepsa asked for any additions or changes to the proposed agenda. None were made. Maureen Wilkus made a motion to approve the agenda, which was seconded by Francine Kosse.
Consent Agenda
Alicia advised there is $75,520.64 remaining in grant. Roxanne noted the in-kind donations are approximately $29,000 as of today. Roxanne advised that as of March, the in-kind volunteer rate increased.
Training Updates
Alicia provided information on the following upcoming training:
National Coalition Academy (NCA): (July 6– 10) - Alicia Klepsa and Maureen Wilkus are attending.
CADCA Mid-Year Training Institute - Registration has been completed and they are waiting on flights - 6 people will be attending in August - Mike Tauer (Parent), Rachael Tauer (Youth), Heather Eidem (School Counselor at Becker), Macy Eidem (Youth), Megan Peterson (Youth), and Alicia Klepsa.
Project Northland/Class Action Training: (June 22nd) - Becker (6 teachers) and Spectrum (3 teachers) are sending staff to be trained. Alicia will also receive the training.
Shutting off the Tap to Teens and Young Adults: (Coon Rapids) - August 20th—Mark your calendars. No agenda has been posted as of yet.
Mental Health First Aid Course - Fairview provides free training with a grant they have received. Alicia is speaking with Kathy Bystrom, North Region Manager of Community Health at Fairview to see when the next free training will take place as this would be a great opportunity for individuals that work with youth.
Program Sharing Conference – Brad discussed the Program Sharing Conference taking place in St. Cloud on October 22-23, 2015. They will be offering breakout sessions on alcohol, tobacco, and other drug (ATOD) topics as well as prevention strategies. Mark your calendars – more information to come.
Environmental Scans
Alicia advised Mike Tauer and Mark Kolbinger and his daughter will be scanning Becker Freedom Days. We still need volunteers for Big Lake’s Spud Fest and the Sherburne County Fair. Family members, friends, and fellow co-workers of coalition members can also perform these scans. These will be evaluations of the entire environment to see how easy it would be for youth to have access alcohol at these events. Let Alicia know if you are interested. Kayla advised she has a message into the Big Lake Student Council to see if they are able to help with Spud Fest. Angie might be able to do it during the day at Spud Fest.
Positive Community Norms Campaign
A brainstorming session was held last Thursday in the EOC. Seven students from Spectrum met with Community BluePrint. They will be meeting again tomorrow and next week on Thursday. A couple of Becker students will participate tomorrow. Other students can still participate even though they missed the first session. Frank advised he would try to get former youth users involved, along with Francine.
Social Host Ordinance
Sheriff Brott went to a workshop with the Zimmerman City Council to discuss the SHO and it will potentially be on the agenda in July for approval.
Task Force Updates
Student Survey – Angie informed the coalition that her, Mark, and Alicia met to reformat the student survey so it is easier for students to complete. Currently, there are 21 questions, 5 of which pertain to students’ demographics. Questions about electronic cigarette use will be added. The survey will be administered in the fall using SurveyMonkey. Alicia will send the completed survey to the coalition for review.
Business Forum – Julia and Molly are still working to get in with the Elk River Chamber of Commerce.
Team Updates
Student Leadership – Angie advised they did meet after the last coalition meeting but felt it needed to be done with more than just her and Rachael. She thinks it would work best to meet again after school resumes. She thought about reaching out to National Honor Society students to assist.
Parent Education – Francine advised they met after the last coalition meeting and want to get information on the website. She advised Mark Kolbinger has some really good ideas that address the myths of substance use. Mark is looking at doing something like “lunch with the principal” to give parents the opportunity to ask questions. Angie advised we could use their Parent Teacher Student Organization (PTSO) for assistance.
Roxanne talked about hidden in plain sight. She suggested contacting a furniture store to have a typical teen room set up at an event. This will give parents an opportunity to see if they can find items like drug paraphernalia or contraband, and also provide an opportunity to “give them permission” to go into their own child’s room.
Communication – They will be meeting today. They will be looking at incentives to give out and/or sell, starting with shirts. It was suggested to give out candy bags at parades or expos. All agreed this is a good idea. Roxanne asked for ideas to put on the bags.
Sticker Shock Campaign
Alicia advised this is where we get youth to participate by labeling alcohol in liquor stores with stickers or hangers. She received examples of what other coalitions have done with this. Angie asked about doing this on cups at community events – possibly providing the cups with it printed on them. Other suggestions were to have servers wear shirts or have informational posters/banners at the events. We will need to look at what message we are trying to send with the sticker shock campaign. Kayla will contact a Target representative to see if we could do something at the Otsego Target in their new liquor store.
Election of Vice Chairperson – Amanda Larson has volunteered for this position. All were in favor.
The July meeting will not be held but the EOC is still reserved if Task Force groups or Teams would like to meet.
The regular meeting was adjourned at 10:25 a.m.
The next meeting will be on Wednesday, August 19, at 9:00 a.m. in the Sheriff’s Office Emergency Operations Center.