SUP Coalition Meeting Minutes
Sherburne County Substance Use Prevention Coalition
Meeting Minutes
January 21, 2015
9:00 a.m.
Sherburne County Sheriff’s Office Emergency Operations Center
Coalition Members Present:
Roxanne Schreder, Sherburne County Sheriff’s Office
Bjorn Dixon, The WHY Church
Alicia Klepsa, SCSUPC Project Coordinator
Jennifer Pim, Sherburne County Attorney’s Office
Francine Kosse, Fairview Health Services
Angie Folch, Big Lake High School
Amanda Larson, Sherburne County Health & Human Services
Kayla Stai, Big Lake High School
Julia Schreifels, The Bank of Elk River
Joel Brott, Sherburne County Sheriff’s Office
Dan Bradley, Sherburne County Probation
Judy Johnson, Elk River School District
Maureen Wilkus, Sherburne County Health & Human Services
Darrell Skog, Spectrum High School
Danielle Gessell, Sherburne County Sheriff’s Office
NEW: Actionable areas are highlighted in green. Please read all of the minutes, but pay special attention to the green areas. Thank you!
Roxanne Schreder called the meeting to order at approximately 9:00 a.m. Introductions were made.
Roxanne Schreder asked if everyone had a chance to review the minutes from the December 17, 2014, meeting. Maureen Wilkus made a motion to approve the minutes, which was seconded by Jennifer Pim. All were in favor.
Roxanne Schreder asked for any additions or changes to the proposed agenda. Roxanne added how to sign up for the webinar and a request for helping Brad Rekstad with one night hotel stay while he is in Washington, DC, for the CADCA graduation.
Consent Agenda
Judy Johnson advised the in-kind donation was emailed out. As of this week, $8,505.15 has been provided via in-kind for grant purposes per the output logs provided by members thus far. This number will increase once everyone has their first quarter report (September 30 – December 31st, 2014) information in to Roxanne. Please continue to provide the updated and signed output logs to Roxanne for record keeping.
Judy does have a financial report from the Sheriff’s Office - $2,797.69 expenditure with a balance of $122,202.31. Roxanne advised some computer items were purchased in December that are not included yet.
Coalition Deadlines
Alicia is working on the continuation report that is due on January 26. A lot of the activities will stay the same for 2015-2016. The first progress report is due February 11 – using most of the data from the 2013 Minnesota Student Survey. The next progress report is due in August. Youth leadership advisors will be added to the continuation report for next year’s action plan. Trainings are included in 2015-2016. Project Northland and electronic billboards will be talked about in the future.
SAPST (Substance Abuse Prevention Skills Training) is March 2-5 in St. Cloud at the Le St. Germain Hotel. Alicia is going and one more can attend with her. Please let Roxanne know if you are interested in this overall course on the Strategic Prevention Framework. This is great training to be used in your regular sector or volunteer area to understand the issues at hand (assessment and capacity), how to plan and implement a strategy(s) to work on an issue, and how to evaluate the process and the outcome. Sustainability and cultural competence runs throughout the model as well. This not only works well with substance use, but can be applied toward any range of issues, hence why a great training not only for you as a coalition member, but for your sector, organization, or company as a whole.
CADCA National Coalition Academy – Alicia will be attending all three weeks. It is located in Minneapolis at the Air National Guard Base near the airport. First week is March 23-27, then in July and finally September. One more person can attend each week. The first week focuses on coalition building, assessment, and capacity for change. Lodging, mileage, and per diem will be covered by the grant funds. Interested individuals please contact Roxanne ASAP. We need to have you signed up to attend the training by the middle of February.
Roxanne advised that we did graduate from CADCA last year. The ceremony is next week in D.C. Brad Rekstad will be out there and will accept our award if we would like him to. He asked if we would be willing to pay for one of the hotel nights as there is one night that is not covered by his funding. The cost would be $200-250. Discussion was had about this donation. Roxanne will check to see what other counties he is accepting for and maybe we could do a combined donation with those counties. All were in favor of this.
Coalition Sector Representation
Media Representation
Roxanne advised Tom Sterneman contacted Steve at Zimmerman Today however Steve does not think he would have the time to participate at this time. He is very supportive of the coalition and will be willing to get out any information we send him. Jim Boyle is unable to make it to the meetings. At this point, Roxanne would like to defer to Kayla to fulfill the media sector, which Kayla agreed to.
Parent Representation
Roxanne advised Russ Girtz has a Wednesday morning conflict which is why he has been unable to attend the meeting. He wants to remain involved. He will be looking for another parent who will be able to attend the meetings, however. The interested Big Lake parent also has a Wednesday morning conflict. Another suggestion provided by Bjorn for a parent sector representative was to invite our youth representative’s parent(s) to fulfill that role. This would be another way for their family to connect and make a positive difference in their community. Roxanne will ask Mark if he could make contact with the family and propose such an opportunity.
As for the day and time of the week of our meetings, a survey will be sent out to all members to make certain we have the best date(s) set for the coalition meetings and change if necessary for the whole. Currently, the coalition meeting dates are set for the third Wednesday of the month from 9 – 10:30 am at the Sheriff’s Office EOC:
February 17th
March 16th
April 20th
May 18th
June 15th
July 20th (if held)
August 17th
September 21st
October 19th
November 16th
December 21st
Mentor Member Discussion
Roxanne suggested having either a designated mentor person for new members or have it be the member who brought them into the coalition. This person would guide the new member until they are more involved in the coalition. Judy asked about having an orientation process in place. All agreed it would be best to have Alicia go through the information with the new member and individuals who invited the new member will be their mentor.
School Surveys
Alicia advised the 2013 data will be used for the progress reports this year. She asked if everyone is okay with doing a survey next school year. The DFC evaluators need to review the survey before it is used. The MSS survey will be done in early 2016 but we need to report every two years and MSS is only every three years. Alicia has looked into purchasing surveymoney through grant dollars. MSS changed to grades 8th, 9th, and 11th and it was agreed to stay with these grade levels. It was suggested to do the survey in Oct/Nov. Roxanne said we do have a sample survey from the DFC evaluators. Kayla and Julia commented that surveymonkey is one of the better options. Kayla will do some testing on getting “live” results links and see if a Big Lake staff person would be able to assist. Angie and Kayla agreed to take this on for the next survey. The plan will be to have the survey ready by the end of this school year.
Youth Leadership School Advisors
Alicia advised she is waiting for approval through the grant to “hire” Youth Leadership school advisors at Elk River, Big Lake, Zimmerman, Becker, and Spectrum. The plan would be to pay $1,440.00 per advisor ($20/ 36 weeks for 2 hours). These advisors would lead the youth leadership council meetings and hopefully they can help implement activities through the committee. An email has gone out to each school already. Alicia is almost done with the job description with objectives. Judy asked if they would be paid through the district and then reimbursed or paid directly by the county – who are they employed by? All agreed it would be good to get this in place by the end of the school year so they can hit the ground running next school year. It was discussed that we will need to provide the objectives of the coalition for them to work on. Alicia advised she is working on this.
Evaluator Update
Alicia advised we are tentatively using Community Systems Group (estimated cost of $16,000). The contract has not been signed yet. It has been sent to Jennifer Pim who has a lot of questions about the language within the contract. Roxanne spoke with someone from Cass County who advised they need to stay on top of Community Systems to keep them on task. Alicia has also spoken with Collaborative Planning Group. Alicia would like to compare both systems. No luck getting a Minnesota group to reply to our request for proposal.
By-Law Proposal
Roxanne would like to table this and she will send out Jennifer’s proposed by laws for one final review.
Social Host
Sheriff Brott will go over this at the February meeting and possibly have a Zimmerman council member present.
Webinar on Thursday
Roxanne gave the following information to help register for the webinar taking place on Thursday, DFC grant number is SP020435. CADCA membership – none currently. Source of funding – DFC Grant and Local funding through United Way.
Alicia handed out information for each sector. She came up with activities to complete before the next coalition meeting. Email the information back to her. She will send out a list of all the activities to everyone.
Angie suggested a calendar of activities and meetings for 2015.
The Communication Team will be meeting again before the February meeting at 8:30 am.
The regular meeting was adjourned at 10:10 a.m.
The next meeting will be on Wednesday, February18, at 9:00 a.m. in the Sheriff’s Office Emergency Operation Center.