SUP Coalition Meeting Minutes
Sherburne County Substance Use Prevention Coalition
Meeting Minutes
February 18, 2015
9:00 a.m.
Sherburne County Sheriff’s Office Emergency Operations Center
Coalition Members Present:
Alicia Klepsa, Coalition Project Coordinator
Roxanne Schreder, Sherburne County Sheriff’s Office
Jennifer Pim, Sherburne County Attorney’s Office
Francine Kosse, Fairview Health Services
Mark Lees, Sherburne County Heath & Human Services
Molly Hanson, YMCA
Kayla Stai, Big Lake High School
Julia Schreifels, The Bank of Elk River
Brad Rekstad, National Guard Counter Drug Task Force
Darrell Skog, Spectrum High School
Nathan Sindt, Regional Prevention Coordinator
Joel Brott, Sherburne County Sheriff’s Office
Dan Bradley, Sherburne County Probation
Randy Piasecki, Zimmerman City Administrator
Tom Sterneman, Zimmerman Evangelical Free Church
Alicia Klepsa called the meeting to order at approximately 9:00 a.m. Introductions were made.
Alicia Klepsa asked if everyone had a chance to review the minutes from the January 21, 2015 meeting. Brad Rekstad asked for a couple changes to the CADCA training paragraph. These changes will be made. Brad Rekstad made a motion to approve the minutes, which was seconded by Molly Hanson.
Alicia Klepsa asked for any additions or changes to the proposed agenda. None were made. Roxanne Schreder made a motion to approve the agenda, which was seconded by Francine Kosse.
Consent Agenda
Roxanne Schreder provided an update from the Finance Committee.
Social Host Ordinance
Zimmerman City Administrator Randy Piasecki was present for the presentation that was given by Sheriff Brott. Sheriff Brott advised that the coalition is looking to provide information to the City of Zimmerman for educational purposes. Tom Sterneman has advised the clergies and the schools in Zimmerman are very much in support of a social host ordinance in Zimmerman. Sheriff Brott and Administrator Piasecki will work together to determine a good time to meet with the council at a workshop meeting to educate the council further on the social host ordinance and its use within their jurisdiction to combat underage alcohol consumption. Educational support may be requested from the local faith, school, and/or youth community in Zimmerman in the near future for this process.
Coalition Deadlines in Feb/March
Alicia advised the progress report deadline was extended; however, we will be submitting ours soon as it is nearly completed.
The Glenwood 1-day training is next Tuesday, February 24. Let Alicia know if you would like to attend.
SAPST training registration has closed for the March dates. Nathan Sindt will check to see if there are any openings still. Future SAPST trainings will be held June 2-5 in Bemidji and August 31-September 3 in Mankato.
CADCA is March 23-27. Sign up needs to be done by the end of February. If you would like to attend the first week, please let Alicia know.
Coalition Sector Representation
Meeting Times – Alicia advised that through the survey she sent out it looks like the third Wednesday of the month works best for a majority of the committee members to attend meetings so there will be no change at this time.
Active Member Status – Roxanne advised that per grant guidelines members can be considered active if they are involved in the teams and/or planning activities of the coalition, not just if they attend the meetings. As an update for the Parent Sector, she advised Mark Kolbinger did contact Rachel’s parents and they will let him know by next week if they will be able to participate in that sector. With this new information, our current parent sector individuals may be able to fulfill this role as well.
Youth Leadership Council School Advisors
Alicia advised we received the go-ahead from our project officer to start the youth leadership advisors. Mark Kolbinger has already hired/designated someone in Becker. Alicia advised Elk River/Zimmerman wants the County to do the hiring. Ivan Sands would be most likely combined with Elk River for the first year. There will be a total of five advisors. Darrell Skog advised Spectrum is on board as well, however, will need to check on how the stipend will be addressed. Alicia advised the job description is done and the objectives are being worked on. She suggested devising an action plan for the advisors. Alicia will be planning to attend the youth leadership meetings every other week as schedule allows. Alicia will email Angie Folch for an update on Big Lake regarding the potential stipend for the advisor and how to address that.
Evaluator Update
Alicia advised it was decided that Collaborative Planning Group will be a good choice and Jennifer Pim is in the process of reviewing the contract with County Attorney Kathy Heaney. She commented on a few different areas that need to be looked at a little closer. The cost will be $9,750/year, but will be prorated for this year – does not include travel expenses for one or two visits a year.
A draft copy of the by-laws was emailed out prior to the meeting. Jennifer Pim commented on the draft by-laws and asked for thoughts and comments. Alicia commented adding further wording in the active member portion. Kayla commented on the vision statement and suggested dropping “Sherburne County” and including our acronym “SCSUPC” in the name portion. Roxanne advised the finance portion will be done through Sheriff’s Office finance. It was decided that the Treasurer will be a Finance Committee representative. Sheriff Brott suggested meeting with Michele and the Finance Committee to go over the process for finance procedures. Jennifer will make the suggested changes and meet with Alicia to get the proper wording for the active members.
Community Forums
Alicia commented on organizing planning task forces for faith community forum, business community forum, and law enforcement community forum (will most likely be done at the Sheriff’s Office open house in Sept/Oct). Roxanne advised there are funds to hire speakers for these events. Other sectors will have forums in the coming year. Julia Schreifels and Molly Hanson volunteered to be on the business community forum. Kayla suggested piggybacking on meetings that are already held – rotary, chamber, etc. Roxanne suggested documenting what is being done and the steps taken to assist with future forums planning strategies. It was decided it would be best to have a minimum of two members for each forum. Roxanne will be doing the law enforcement one. Nathan offered assistance to provide resources for all three. Please let Alicia know which one you will be able to be on. Sterneman will be involved with the faith community forum.
Teams Needed
Alicia advised that a Data Analysis team was added to the current list of teams. Currently have:
Parent Education
Data Analysis
Student Leadership
Coalition Leadership
Ad Hoc (as needed)
Parent Education and Student Leadership teams have not provided any updates. Student Leadership will be worked on further with the student leadership advisors and other members per your interest. It was suggested to add a Community Relations team that would encompass the community forums, however, members wanted to break up the forums to make it more manageable per each outreach for planning purposes. Molly suggested laying out clear expectations for the team/task force members and listing who is already on those teams. Members should be on at least one team/task force. Kayla volunteered to be on the Data Analysis team and the Communications team. Nathan volunteered to be on the Coalition Leadership team. Email Alicia which team you would like to be on. Jennifer suggested sending out the list of each team’s members – this will be forth coming.
Brad brought the CADCA graduation plaque. Thank you!
Alicia adjourned the meeting at 10:20 am.
The next meeting will be on Wednesday, March 18, at 9:00 a.m. in the Sheriff’s Office Emergency Operation Center.