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SUP Coalition Meeting Minutes

APRIL 2015

Sherburne County Substance Use Prevention Coalition

Meeting Minutes

April 15, 2015

9:00 a.m.

Sherburne County Sheriff’s Office Emergency Operations Center


Coalition Members Present:                                  Coalition Members Absent:

Mark Kolbinger, Chairperson                                 Felix Schmiesing

Bjorn Dixon, Vice Chairperson                               Russ Girtz

Alicia Klepsa, Project Coordinator                         Rob McDonald

Joel Brott                                                                   Jim Boyle

Roxanne Schreder                                                   Gary Meyer

Kayla Stai                                                                   Mark Lees

Dan Bradley                                                               Maureen Wilkus

Amanda Larson                                                         Sheri Rutar

Jennifer Pim                                                               Michael Tauer

Tom Sternemen                                                                                                                      

Angie Folch

Judy Johnson

Darrell Skog

Julia Schreifels

Molly Hanson

Francine Kosse

Brad Rekstad

Nathan Sindt

Rachael Tauer


Mark Kolbinger called the meeting to order at approximately 9:00 a.m. Introductions were made.


Mark Kolbinger asked if everyone had a chance to review the minutes from the March 18, 2015, meeting. Julia Schreifels made a motion to approve the minutes, which was seconded by Joel Brott. All were in favor.


Mark Kolbinger asked for any additions or changes to the proposed agenda. Roxanne Schreder asked to add a discussion regarding “Social Host Awareness in the Schools” from a flyer she received from the SACK Coalition in Kanabec County. Francine Kosse made a motion to approve the agenda with Roxanne’s addition, which was seconded by Amanda Larson. All were in favor.


Consent Agenda

Dan Bradley advised the Finance Team met last week with Michele Mareck to discuss the financial process of the grant. He provided current financial information, including federal funds spent and in-kind match. Michele Mareck will run a financial report prior to each coalition meeting. Mark asked for a motion to approve the consent agenda, which was made by Francine and seconded by Nathan. All were in favor.



Environmental Scans

Alicia discussed what environmental scans are and why they are important.  Environmental scans assess the community to see what resources are available and see if there are locations with higher substance abuse and increased access to alcohol. She sent an email to the schools this morning to get more information about their policies and resources available. She will be working to get youth involvement for this process. She will create checklists for volunteers to utilize when performing scans so they know what they are looking for.  Scans will be performed in the community and at community events.  Important things to look for when performing scans will include signage at establishments and in the community such as billboards and how events ensure individuals are 21 (i.e., using hand stamps, bracelets, etc.).  Alicia will send further information out to all coalition members regarding environmental scans and checklists that can be used when performing them.  Alicia suggested getting all volunteers together on a Saturday to perform the environmental scans in the community. Discussion was had about all of the community events that could be looked at. The first well known event will be held in May and that is Wild West Days in Zimmerman. Sheriff Brott suggested utilizing the reserve units for counting advertisements around the county. Alicia will send out all of the information for review and will be asking for volunteers. Sign-up will be at the May meeting.


Training Opportunities


Mid-year Training with CADCA

Alicia advised CADCA Mid-Year Training is in Indianapolis, IN from August 2-6. She suggested sending 2-3 youth (current 9th-10th graders) to this and possibly another coalition member besides herself. Alicia is working with the schools to get students interested in the youth leadership council program. Discussion was had about when would be the best time to start the training/meetings for youth and all thought it would be best in the summer. Bjorn suggested sending Rachael this year and possibly her dad. Nathan recommended that the coalition become a CADCA member, which would mean discounted training fees. Roxanne advised this is an approved expense through the grant. Angie suggested finding another youth representative.


Alicia is going to be the Big Lake Youth Leadership Advisor for now. Becker and Spectrum have chosen their advisors.  The Elk River School District is still working on obtaining approval to hire advisors.  Alicia stated the advisors will be invited to the coalition retreat, along with also having an orientation to introduce them to the coalition. Kayla suggested sending an advisor to the training.


Roxanne made a motion to become a member of CADCA, which was seconded by Angie, and all were in favor.


Rachael will check with her dad to see if he would be interested in attending the training. Alicia is going to check the budget to see if funds are available to send two adults and two-three youth. She asked for suggestions of other interested youth to be emailed to her.



National Prevention Network

NPN will be in Seattle, from November 17-19. Roxanne proposed focusing on CADCA Mid-Year this year rather than NPN.


Team Updates


Parent Education Team, Student Leadership Team, Grant Coordination Team

Alicia commented these teams have not met. She asked to meet after the meeting to schedule a time to meet after today’s meeting.


Data Analysis Team

This team has also not met yet, but Alicia has reached out to the members requesting data so she can start compiling it. May meet quarterly but is hoping to have consistent data flowing in.


Coalition Updates


Evaluator Progress

Alicia advised the contract is being signed with Collaborative Planning Group (CPG). They will begin reviewing the coalition’s action plan and logic models. CPG will be doing a 1-2 day site visit, including a 3-4 hour training with coalition members and a community tour.  Roxanne advised a survey will be sent out to determine the best date for this.


Graphic Designer

Alicia advised we will be using Community BluePrint for the Positive Community Norms campaign. We will be using a local company for the creation of educational materials and printing. Representatives from Community BluePrint will work with youth in Sherburne County on developing the branding and concepting for the campaign.  They plan to hold three brainstorming sessions with youth.   


Project Northland and Class Action Education Opportunities

This opportunity will be offered to two middle schools and two high schools. So far Becker and Spectrum have received approval to move forward with this curriculum. The Elk River School District and Big Lake are still reviewing it. Nathan is the trainer for this program. Angie suggested doing 45 minute presentations for the 9th graders first day – “transition day”. Nathan said he could look into this, but it may be more appropriate to find another guest presenter. Nathan mentioned speaker, Craig Hillier to possibly present at this kind of event and he could possibly do Becker and Big Lake on the same day.


Coalition Involvement Agreements (CIA)

Alicia asked everyone to update their CIA’s if they haven’t already done so.


Volunteers Needed

Volunteers are needed for the Mental Health Forum in Becker on Tuesday, May 19. The coalition will have a booth at the resource fair before the speaker presents. Angie volunteered to man the booth during the resource fair and Rachael will recruit friends to design the tri-fold display board for the booth. Mark will send out the flyer for the forum to Alicia for the Coalition Facebook page and for other coalition members to hand out and/or display.


Task Force Updates


Faith Forum

Bjorn advised that one of the Faith Forums is set for May 20 at the Elk River Ministerial Association meeting at Twin Lakes Church.  This meeting invites all Elk River Youth Pastors as well. Tom is scheduling one in Zimmerman. They are working on Big Lake and Becker. Mark advised he can get them connections for Becker.


Development of Student Survey

Alicia advised they are working on keeping the coalition student survey short. Kayla suggested purchasing SurveyMonkey to be able to utilize the data more efficiently. The cost would be $228/year. Julia made a motion to purchase SurveyMonkey, which was seconded by Kayla. All were in favor. It was suggested to have Youth Leadership Council members give their input on the survey questions. The survey will be administered to grades 8, 9, and 11 this fall. 


Responsible Beverage Server Training

Mark Lees was unable to make the meeting so Alicia provided the information she received from him.  Mark Lees contacted the city clerks at Becker, Big Lake, Elk River, Zimmerman and the A/T clerk at Sherburne County and requested information on what the costs are for a temporary liquor license and any special requirements. It was passed on to him that most of the permits requested are for some type of fundraising event.  He was cautioned by A/T Department as to raising fees. She said it would have to pass by the Twp. Boards, State and County before that could go into effect. Some of the Lions members are either on the Twp. Boards or have a close working relationship with members and, in her opinion, would not be in favor of added training requirements or an increase in fees.


Alicia advised that other communities have made this mandatory for the permit process. Mark Kolbinger said that the environmental scans could be helpful in trying to get policies changed. Sheriff Brott advised the Elk River Rotary has reached out for training, which will be held at the Sheriff’s Office on April 23. Per Mark Lees, no other groups have expressed interest in this training. Sheriff Brott said we are still trying to get into a Zimmerman City Council meeting regarding the Social Host Ordinance. It was suggested to promote the training to the organizations that plan these events and provide the training to as many of the volunteers as possible.


Development of the Coalition Retreat

Based on the email responses Alicia received regarding the coalition retreat, a one-day retreat will work best. She is looking to do a 4-6 hour training. She provided information on the speaker, Kelly Felton. Alicia will send out a survey to pick a date for this.



School/Community Outreach

Roxanne and Alicia went to the Spring Forum yesterday in St. Cloud. They learned that the SACK Coalition in Kanabec County is sending out a flyer for social host awareness with all graduation cap/gown orders. They asked if the schools would be interested in doing this. Mark suggested sending it out with the prom letter. Alicia will send it to the school sectors to obtain approval to send them out.


The regular meeting was adjourned at 10:32 a.m.


The next meeting will be on Wednesday, May 20, at 9:00 a.m. in the Sheriff’s Office Emergency Operation Center.

Minutes from previous coalition meetings are available upon request.
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