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SUP Coalition Meeting Minutes


Sherburne County Substance Use Prevention Coalition

Meeting Minutes

October 15, 2014

9:00 a.m.

Sherburne County Sheriff’s Office Emergency Operations Center


Coalition Members Present:

Mark Kolbinger, Becker Schools

Bjorn Dixon, The WHY Church

Tom Sterneman, Zimmerman Free Evangelical Church

Francine Kosse, Fairview Health Services

Roxanne Schreder, Sherburne County Sheriff’s Office

Mark Lees, Sherburne County Health & Human Services

Amanda Larson, Sherburne County Health & Human Services

Angie Folch, Big Lake Schools

Judy Johnson, Elk River Schools

Brad Rekstad, National Guard Counter Drug Task Force

Darrell Skoog, Spectrum High School

Maureen Wilkus, Sherburne County Health & Human Services Chemical Dependency Coordinator

Dan Bradley, Sherburne County Probation

Jennifer Pim, Sherburne County Attorney’s Office

Molly Hanson, YMCA

Danielle Gessell, Sherburne County Sheriff’s Office



Mark Kolbinger called the meeting to order at approximately 9:00 a.m. Introductions were made.


Mark Kolbinger asked if everyone had a chance to review the minutes from the September 17, 2014 meeting.  He asked for any changes and none were made. Dan Bradley made a motion to approve the minutes, which was seconded by Maureen Wilkus - all were in favor.


Mark Kolbinger asked for everyone to review the agenda and asked for any additions. Roxanne Schreder asked to add “Youth Vacancy” to the agenda. No other additions were made and the agenda stood with the one addition.


DFC Grant –

Roxanne Schreder sent out information for objectives and strategies to focus on in the upcoming months. She has a copy of the project narrative, a 12 month action plan, and the budget narrative should anyone want to review the information further. Grant is for $125,000 each year for five years, of which the majority of approximately $64,500 is allocated for the Project Coordinator position. She briefly went over the requirements for the funding and the non-federal match, including mileage to meetings, time spent at meetings, and time spent preparing for activities and meetings.


She advised two coalition members will have the opportunity to attend the new grantee required meetings in Washington D.C. December 8 – 10th this winter – one will be Roxanne and other person needs to be determined.


Roxanne also advised she is in the process of finalizing the final draft for the National Coalition Academy training that Mark, Sarah, and she attended throughout this past year. It must be submitted by Halloween and we will know by the first week in December if our coalition has graduated from the coalition academy – a requirement for the DFC Grant – whether now or in an upcoming training to be held in 2015. This training will be held in March, July, and September of 2015 and it is our hope to have two spots reserved in the Minneapolis area to decrease on travel expenses.  This will allow our new Project Coordinator to attend all three weeks as well as including various coalition members (can change from week to week) to increase their knowledge on coalition best practices.


Hiring of Project Coordinator –

Roxanne advised the Project Coordinator position will be posted until next Sunday night (October 26). The new hire would be a county employee under the Sheriff’s Office with full county benefits. Roxanne is thinking interviews will take place the week of November 3-7 and will hopefully be able to make an offer by November 19 contingent upon DFC grant approval and county board approval. (The DFC grant needs to approve this person and can have up to 30 days to do this but will try to get it through within a week and a half per our Project Officer.) Mark Kolbinger suggested an interview committee. The committee will be Roxanne, Amanda, Mark K., Angie F. Others can email Roxanne, if interested.


Completing By-Laws

Roxanne did some research for a shorter version of by-laws from what was originally being looked at. It was suggested to add by-laws for leadership committee and non-grant funded events. Jennifer Pim will review them for the County Attorney’s Office. Mark Kolbinger also mentioned adding something about approval of expenditures. Angie suggested forming a finance committee and it was decided the Project Coordinator would be a non-voting member and other members would be Judy Johnson, Dan Bradley, and Nathan Sindt, with Amanda Larson as an alternate. Bjorn asked about a specific date on the by-laws and it was suggested to change it to happen at the “annual meeting”, all agreed. Bjorn also asked about the terms of each “chair”, none have been set. Jennifer will do some research into the by-laws for the Safe Child Council and Roxanne and Mark K. will assist and will report back in November.


Angie advised Kayla from BLHS is still willing to help with the website and community relations. Kayla will be asked to lead the media committee.


Volunteer and in-kind logs –

Roxanne asked everyone to document their times starting September 30, 2014. Roxanne will provide forms to be turned in monthly.


Media release regarding the grant

Bjorn asked about the timing to present the DFC grant information to the community. Mark K. suggested doing it soon to assist with bringing on new members to the committee to fill the open sectors. He suggested a student rep from every school and Angie suggested these could come from the youth leadership councils. Tom Sterneman made a motion to do a small media release right now about the grant and for the media committee to come back with website domain name suggestions at the next meeting. Francine seconded this. Bjorn advised he will draft the media release and send it out prior to sending it to the newspapers. All were in favor.


Student Representation

Roxanne advised the coalition needs a youth sector representative under 18 years old. Mark said he has someone interested that he can bring with. Roxanne will send him the information.


Molly made a motion to make the November meeting and hour and half long. This was seconded by Brad Rekstad. All were in favor of changing the meeting time for November to 9:00-10:30.


The meeting was adjourned at 10:09 a.m.


The next meeting will be on Wednesday, November 19, at 9:00 a.m., in the Sheriff’s Office Emergency Operation Center.

Minutes from previous coalition meetings are available upon request.

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