SUP Coalition Meeting Minutes
Sherburne County Substance Use Prevention Coalition
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Sheriff’s Office Emergency Operations Center
Members Present:
Bjorn Dixon, The Why Church
Mark Lees, Sherburne County Health & Human Services
Darrell Skog, Spectrum High School
Mark Kolbinger, Becker High School
Brad Rekstad, National Guard
Amanda Larson, Sherburne County Health & Human Services
Roxanne Schreder, Sherburne County Sheriff’s Office
Molly Hanson, YMCA
Jennifer Pim, Sherburne County Attorney’s Office
Nathan Sindt, Regional Prevention Coordinator
Maureen Wilkus, Sherburne County Health & Human Services
Francine Kosse, Fairview Hospitals and Clinic
Alicia Klepsa, DFC Grant Coordinator
Syndey Busch, Becker High School Student
Angie Folch, Big Lake High School
Tom Sterneman, Zimmerman Evangelical Free Church
Mark Kolbinger called the meeting to order at approximately 9:00 a.m.
Mark Kolbinger asked the members present if they had an opportunity to review the minutes from the October 15, 2014 meeting and if any changes needed to be made. The only necessary change that was noted was to clearly specify that Kayla is an employee of Big Lake High School, not Becker. Jennifer Pim made a motion to approve the minutes with the noted change, which was seconded by Francine Kosse. All were in favor.
Mark Kolbinger asked everyone to review the agenda for today’s meeting and pointed out the changes made to the structure of the agenda. He asked if there were any additions or changes. Nathan Sindt advised he would like to talk about an additional training in the training section. Molly Hanson made a motion to approve the agenda with Nathan’s addition, which was seconded by Jennifer Pim. All were in favor.
Project Coordinator Interviews
There were close to 50 applicants for the position. They were narrowed down to three that were interviewed. A conditional offer was made to Alicia Klepsa pending she passes her background check and is approved by the federal government. Alicia introduced herself and gave a background of her experiences.
In-kind Match Output Log
Roxanne advised we will need to match the grant with $125,000 of in-kind contributions. She emailed the log to all coalitions members. Cash reimbursement from organizations can be included in the log. Any time spent working on the coalition should be included. After some discussion, it was decided that they will be turned in at monthly meetings or scanned and emailed if someone is unable to attend a meeting. The original signed document would need to be turned into Roxanne or Alicia, however, the next time the coalition member would be able to do so. The rate of compensation per hour is set at $24.31/hour unless the work is being done at professional level where it can be documented as such on the form.
Consent Agenda
Roxanne went over financial expenditures to date. She advised of the expense for the training in Washington, DC, on Dec 8 -10 for Roxanne and Amanda, or Alicia if she starts prior to that time. The expense included air and hotel, as well.
Evaluation contract with community systems group. This evaluator was found in the spring when the DFC proposal was done. It will be proposed that we will meet with a staff member from the company in January or February. They will be going over online document tracking for the coalition so they can provide information on our outcomes. Sheriff Brott and Mark Kolbinger will sign the contract with them and Roxanne will be sending it in depending on county contract approval.
Mark Kolbionger asked for motion to approve the consent agenda. Amanda made a motion, which was seconded by Brad Rekstad. In the future, attachments will be included for consent agendas. All were in favor.
Coalition Sector Representation
Roxanne had CIA agreements from March and asked all to review to see what their sector is in charge of. Some sectors are not represented very often in our meetings but this needs to be worked on for the DFC grant requirements. If they are unable to attend, they should try to send someone else from their organizations. Sydney is 18 so she won’t be able to be a signor on the CIA but Mark advised Rachel will be here starting next month. Mark’s plan is to always have two from Becker – one will be a sophomore. Roxanne would like a youth from other areas of the county as well so that sector is always covered. Roxanne advised the parent sector is not represented and asked for everyone to try to think of someone to invite to cover this sector.
The following sectors need a committed representative:
Amanda asked if she could fulfill the civic/volunteer sector instead of “other government” through HHS if needed since she is President of the Rotary. Tom will touch base with Zimmerman Today for media representation. Discussion was had that Kayla could possibly fill the media sector because that is what she is bringing to the table. Molly said she has spoken with Julie at the Bank of Elk River for the business sector. Angie suggested whether they have to physically be here or use Skype/Facetime. Jennifer will see if this is allowed under open meeting law since the coalition is housed under the Sheriff’s Office. Mark suggested recruiting for these four sectors and bringing them to the next meeting.
Communications Team Update
Bjorn spoke in regard to this and advised the committee met last week. He shared info about the logo process and design. Clarity and simplicity are important in logo design. He showed six different options and asked for everyone to rank their top three and they will be given to Kayla.
Media outreach/public service announcements – He drafted a news release and sent them to five county newspapers. As of today, it was printed or will be printed in three of the five. He has it planned to be a two phase news release. The first phase was about the grant and the second phase will be about the grant project coordinator position.
By-law Proposal
All were asked to review it to provide input before it is reviewed by the evaluators early next year. Jennifer said we need to define the legal entity of the coalition. As of now, everything is routed through the Sheriff’s Office. This just means that it would need to be subject to public entity guidelines, ex. data practices, open meeting law, etc. The other option is to become an independent entity. Jennifer will research this issue further. Nathan will do some research on what other coalitions are doing.
Jennifer also said if staying under the Sheriff’s Office voting by email would not be allowed. Right now, members can be brought on without voting until the by-laws are approved.
Let Jennifer know if you have additional ideas for the by-laws and it will be added to the December agenda.
Roxanne will reach out to those who signed the CIAs to make sure they are still willing to be on the coalition; if not maybe they have someone else who can attend.
Upcoming Training
The DFC National Coalition Academy in Minneapolis starts in March. We will have the opportunity to send members. Alicia will be attending if she is officially brought on. Alicia will need to go to all three and then anyone else can go with her during the other weeks. If we graduate this year, it will be easier for those attending next year. Roxanne asked all to look at the weeks and see if any would like to go to them. Let Roxanne know if you are interested.
Nathan mentioned the SAPS training is December 8-11 at Bloomington at Ramada Inn. If interested, contact Nathan to get registered. The next opportunity will be in March in St. Cloud.
Mark asked for any other business. Bjorn thanked Sydney for attending.
Mark Kolbinger adjourned the meeting at 10:10 am. The next meeting will be on Wednesday, December 17, from 9:00-10:30, in the Sheriff’s Office Emergency Operations Center.