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SUP Coalition Meeting Minutes


Sherburne County Substance Use Prevention Coalition

Meeting Minutes

December 20, 2017

9:00 a.m.

Sherburne County Sheriff’s Office Emergency Operations Center


Coalition Members Present: 

Roxanne Schreder, Sherburne County Sheriff’s Office

Amanda Martin, Sherburne County HHS

Jennifer Pim, Sherburne County Attorney’s Office

Melissa Cribb, CMMHC

Amy Halvorson, Sherburne County Community Corrections

Francine Kosse, Fairview Health Services

Lisa Fobbe, Sherburne County Commissioner

Ryan Johnson, Rogers High School

Jolene Fitch, St. Cloud School District

Amanda Larson called the meeting to order at approximately 9:04 a.m.  Introductions were made.


Amanda requested approval of the minutes from the November 15, 2017 meeting.  Roxanne Schreder made a motion to approve the minutes, which was seconded by Jennifer Pim.  All were in favor.


Amanda asked for any additions or changes to the proposed agenda, none were made.  Roxanne made a motion to approve the agenda, which was seconded by Francine.  All were in favor.


Consent Agenda

Financial update was completed by Roxanne:

  • Of the current budget of $135,548.22, we have $111,898.82 remaining in the grant.

  • Current in-kind donations documented through December 2017: $15,071.35


Roxanne advised that mileage will increase by one cent in 2018 and that an updated output log will be sent by Alicia to reflect this change.  She also reminded everyone to send in their monthly output logs to her.  


Information Sharing/Agency Updates

  • Lisa Fobbe shared that in light of several other counties in Minnesota filing lawsuits against drug manufacturers and distributors for the public cost of the opioid crisis, Sherburne County has decided to not follow suit right now. We will wait to see what the state does.   

  • PowerPoint Updates:

    • Alicia’s new last name is Maxwell.  Please begin to use her updated email address,

    • Prescription drug disposal pounds to date: 1,280 pounds

    • Alcohol Compliance Checks: 90.5% (53 checks, 5 fails)

    • SUP Coalition Student Survey being administered in all schools to students in grades 8, 9, & 11 between Oct. – Jan.

    • SUP Google Drive is up and running.  Let Alicia know if you have any issues accessing the drive. 

    • New TXT4Life Coordinator, Ashley Nieland


Member Recruitment Activity


Roxanne reminded members of the three sector areas that would be beneficial to have additional representation to support those organizations already committed within those sectors.  These are religious/fraternal, business, and healthcare professionals.  She noted that many of the members that volunteered to connect with individuals were not at the present meeting, but that Alicia has sent and will continue to send reminders to these individuals for updates.  She advised members to review the November meeting minutes if they cannot recall if they volunteered to connect with someone.


She has asked that all members attempt to reach out to these individuals/agencies by our January 17, 2018 meeting.  She also reminded members that our Google Drive has a member recruitment folder with resources, including a sample email template that will assist with recruitment efforts.


Community Presentations/Projects

  • Presentations Update

    • Alicia asked that we revisit the conversation had during the October meeting.  She reminded members of their presentation suggestions and asked that we build off of that beginning with marijuana-specific presentations.

    • Ryan Johnson recommended exploring some type of educational diversion course that could be posted on Schoology for all students to take, rather than those just in trouble.  The course could be specific to youth marijuana use, and there could be parental involvement such as requiring them to sign-off on their child taking the course.  He noted that this would take time to explore and create, but that it would reach our intended audience of students and potentially parents.  Ryan also noted that Rogers sends a quarterly newsletter to parents and that we could include parent-specific messages in these and on campus blasts.  Alicia will follow-up with the other schools to see if they use similar systems.

    • Molly Hanson advised that the YMCA could be an avenue for reaching parents with specific messages.  She noted that they also send a monthly newsletter that we could submit info to.

    • Lisa recommended getting info out about SUP on the SCSO’s new Facebook page. Roxanne will follow-up on this.       

    • Alicia inquired about upcoming Safe Schools meetings, specifically Rogers’s upcoming meetings, to introduce SUP to their group. Ryan said he would coordinate this.

    • Jennifer inquired about school health classes and how we could coordinate educational presentations on substance use into the curriculum. Alicia will connect with the schools to learn more about their curriculums.

    • Alicia advised that the Becker TRAK Committee asked SUP to present in March. If you would like to assist, let Alicia know.   

    • Rachel Hilyar suggested creating a list of presentation options that SUP offers.  Alicia will create this and upload it to the Google Drive.  This will be a helpful reminder for members and their colleagues.  Alicia noted that we have many coalition members that also present on various topics, and she asked that they put together a bio that could also be shared for presentation opportunities.

  • Discuss video series

    • Intended audience

      • If parents, Alicia advised that we could use the five Talk Early, Talk Often videos.

      • If students, Ryan recommended using students to either create or to find three helpful videos on YouTube and make it a contest. These could then be shared through Schoology. 

    • ​Ryan inquired about using a direct mail campaign to reach parents. He noted that another committee he is on is trying this due to individuals being inundated in their email inboxes.  Members present noted that this could get expensive, and that we would need to narrow our focus on what the message is/the ask and who it is intended for.   

  • Prescription Drug Task Force

    • Roxanne advised that after attending a meeting with Sheriff Joel Brott, Amanda Larson, and Alicia Maxwell, it was decided to create a Prescription Drug Task Force.  This task force will include individuals from several sectors, including parents, community corrections, healthcare, SCSO, HHS, and jail staff. 

      • The first meeting will be on Thursday, January 11 from 12:00 – 1:00 pm in the EOC.  All members interested are welcome to attend.

Youth Leadership Councils

  • SUP Youth Leadership Retreat

    • Alicia advised that the retreat will be held on Monday, February 19, 2018 from 9:00 am – 3:00 pm (President’s Day) at River City Extreme in Monticello.  She noted that student registration will open this week, and that we must have a minimum of 50 registrants to hold the retreat.  Registration will be open until January 19th.  She asked that members encourage students to attend and remind them to register by the 19th. 

    • Alicia also advised that our retreat budget is $6,000.  One of the larger expenses will be to pay for trainers.  The Retreat Task Force has been meeting monthly and has decided to use the National Youth Leadership Council (NYLC) based out of St. Paul.  Alicia noted that the cost for three NYLC trainers is $2,800 ($2,600 salary, $50 travel, and $150 supplies), and that we would need a motion to move forward with this cost.  Amanda made a motion to approve the cost, which was seconded by Eric Balabon.  All were in favor.

    • Alicia also passed around a sign-up sheet for adult coalition members to help at the retreat. Ryan inquired about parent chaperones and needing background checks.  Alicia noted that parents could help, and Roxanne added that background checks would need to be completed by the schools.  After the meeting, the sign-up sheet will be uploaded to the Google Drive to allow others to sign-up.

  • Be Real Campaign

    • Alicia provided updates on upcoming Be Real events.  An outline of the events is available on the Google Drive. 


Leadership Team Elections


Amanda Larson resigned as the Chairperson.  The coalition had already received nominations from members interested in leadership positions.  The nominations were as follows: Dan Bradley as the new Chairperson, Angie Charboneau-Folch as the new Vice-Chair, and Molly Hanson as the new Finance Chair.  Amanda inquired about additional nominations, and none were made.  Francine made a motion to accept these nominations, which was seconded by Jennifer.  All were in favor.


The regular meeting was adjourned at 10:30 a.m.


Next Meeting: Wednesday, January 17 at 9:00 a.m. in the Sheriff’s Office Emergency Operations Center.

Eric Balabon, Elk River Police Department

Victoria Holbert, Retired Resident

Rachel Hilyar, Elk River School District

Mark Lees, Sherburne County HHS

Kasey Cable, Crave the Change

Alicia Maxwell, SUP Coalition Coordinator

Amanda Larson, Sherburne County HHS

Molly Hanson, Elk River YMCA

Minutes from previous coalition meetings are available upon request.

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© 2025 by Sherburne County Substance Use Prevention Coalition

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