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SUP Coalition Meeting Minutes


Sherburne County Substance Use Prevention Coalition

Meeting Minutes

November 18, 2015

9:00 a.m.

Sherburne County Sheriff’s Office Emergency Operations Center


Coalition Members Present:

Amanda Larson, Sherburne County Health & Human Services

Roxanne Schreder, Sherburne County Sheriff’s Office

Francine Kosse, Fairview Health Services

Molly Hanson, YMCA

Maureen Wilkus, Sherburne County Health & Human Services

Sam Olson, Big Lake Police Department

Jayme Swenson, Spectrum Parent

Victoria Holbert, Retired Resident

Amy Tompkins, Big Lake Parent

Eric Balabon, Elk River Police Department

Greg Pruszinske, Becker City Administrator

Brad Rekstad, National Guard Counter Drug Task Force

Angie Folch, Big Lake High School

Frank Rice, The Crossing Church/Retired Resident


Amanda Larson called the meeting to order at approximately 9:00 a.m. Introductions were made.


Amanda Larson asked if everyone had a chance to review the minutes from the October 21, 2015 meeting. Maureen Wilkus made a motion to approve the minutes, which was seconded by Francine Kosse. All were in favor.


Amanda Larson asked for any additions or changes to the proposed agenda. Greg Pruszinske made a motion to approve the agenda, which was seconded by Molly Hanson. All were in favor.


Consent Agenda

Roxanne Schreder provided the information on finance expenditures. There is approximately $10,095 in expenses so far this grant year. Carryover from year 1 is approximately $32,000 and this will need to be met by in-kind donations. Roxanne asked everyone to do their in-kind logs by month.


Program Sharing Takeaways

Roxanne advised she and Mark Kolbinger received awards through the Minnesota Prevention Resource Center at the 2015 Program Sharing Conference in St. Cloud. She was awarded Outstanding Dedication to Prevention for the state of Minnesota and Mark was awarded Community Champion for East Central Minnesota. Roxanne attended a keynote presentation by Jason Kilmer that focused on alcohol. He discussed his research on setting up a bar lab for college students where some received alcohol and others did not. His study found that those not receiving alcohol still showed signs of intoxication because it was what they expected. Jason also talked about marijuana use in Washington State and how the ramifications are impacting their state. She attended another session who suggested having a graphic designer on the coalition to use their services as in-kind donations. Angie Folch provided her input on the sessions that she went to and advised that she was hoping for more information and preventive measures that can be done for things like e-cigarettes. Jayme Swenson advised her student son attended with the Sobriety Squad from Spectrum and said it opened the eyes of the students more.


Angie Folch advised she went to the Youth Mental Health First Aid Training and thought it was definitely worth going to. Amanda commented there were helpful tools for engaging those with mental health issues. Roxanne will contact Fairview to see if it would be something that could be repeated in the future.



Roxanne advised the budget information was sent out via email to all coalition members. She asked if anyone had ideas for where the moneys are allocated. She went over Year 1 expenditures and Year 2 proposed expenditures so far. Things that have been purchased or may be purchased in the future include: pens, prescription drug magnets with drop box locations, two iPads, hidden in plain sight items, a prize wheel, and youth leadership items such as bracelets and t-shirts for Becker’s Dream Team and t-shirts for Spectrum’s Sobriety Squad. Big Lake is combining their youth leadership council as a subcommittee of Friends of Rachel and talked for the first time last week. Zimmerman has designated a youth leadership advisor and Elk River is still working on getting their youth leadership council going.


CADCA Mid-Year will take place in Las Vegas, NV in August 2016. Roxanne asked for input on whether it would be a good idea to send adults/youth. Amy commented that this would be putting them into a scenario that is real.


There is still $550 available from the United Way Grant. It was suggested to use some or all of the remaining funds to hold a youth retreat for all of the youth leadership councils. Amanda will look into a few different options. Roxanne advised the funds need to be utilized by February 2016.


Francine Kosse advised that her students have told her that the main way they get alcohol is from college students, whether that is older siblings or friends.


Sticker Shock Campaign

Sticker shock is having students put stickers and/or bottle hangers on liquor bottles and cases of beer at local liquor stores. Roxanne provided a couple examples that were used by other coalitions. There are 12 establishments in the county that could possibly be targeted for this. It was decided that it would be a good idea to do the campaign around prom and graduation…possibly starting in mid-April. A permission slip for youth volunteers is being reviewed by the county attorney. Roxanne asked for messaging ideas to be sent to her. She will send out the examples after receiving them. It was decided to finalize the message for the stickers and/or hangers before talking with the liquor stores earlier next year.




Upcoming Events

Roxanne went over the upcoming events. Students assisting with the Positive Community Norms Campaign will be meeting at the Elk River Pizza Ranch on December 9th.

Social Host Ordinance (SHO) – A letter will be sent to the Clear Lake Mayor and City Council about a potential SHO.

Expos – Becker has a youth track at their expo on January 23, 2016. Angie Folch and Sam Olson will be at the Big Lake expo on March 6, 2016.


Proposed By-law Change

It was suggested to change the by-laws so that the current Vice-Chair will move to the Chair position if the current Chair chooses to step down. This proposed change will be voted on at the December meeting.


The regular meeting was adjourned at 10:07 a.m.


The next meeting will be on Wednesday, December 16, at 9:00 a.m. in the Sheriff’s Office Emergency Operations Center.

Minutes from previous coalition meetings are available upon request.
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